Slackish is small library that lets you convert your simple python functions into running slack bots.
from slackclient import SlackClient
from slackish import Slackish, Command
def publish(campaign, on='rtx'):
"""Publish command for publishing campaigns
`publish campaign <campaign_id> on <traffic source>`
Slackish.send("I'll publish campaign {} on {}".format(campaign, on))
def standup(task, status):
"""Standup command for updating task status
`standup task <task_id> status <some status>`
Slackish.send("I'll update my status regarding task: {}".format(task))
Slackish.send("Task is currently at status: {}".format(status))
config = {}
config['BOT_ID'] = None
config['RTM_READ_DELAY'] = 1
config['SLACK_MENTION_REGEX'] = "^(<@(|[WU].+?)>)?(.*)"
my_bot = Slackish(SlackClient, Command.registry, **config)
config['SLACK_BOT_TOKEN'] = 'Add Your access API Token'
And run the bot
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Not sure what to tell your bot? Don't worry Slackish generate help messages based on the docstring!