The starting code is based on the work of the OpenGL series by Cherno. The current repo structure is fairly simple:
folder contains shader source files and texture filessrc/core
folder contains the main code needed to create a simple applicationsrc/deps
folder contains some external dependencies (libraries, headers, ...) needed for building an applicationsrc/tests
folder contains personal experiments
A Visual Studio 2022 solution for Windows 10 x64 is provided with the needed dependencies (headers, sources and libraries):
- GLEW (OpenGL loading library), GLFW (cross-platform window and input handling)
- GLM (math library, GLSL compliant)
- IMGUI (Immediate UI)
- stb_image (image handling)
Using OpenGL 3.3, GLSL 3.3 .
- Smooth Bezier curve: you can move the control points to change the curve shape or increase/decrease the number of points used for the curve
Work in progress...