This is the second project for Physics II subject. The main goal here is to create a racing car game.
Aleix Castillo Arrià (AleixCas95),
Albert Cayuela Naval (AlbertCayuela)
LEFT ARROW: Move to the left side.
RIGHT ARROW: Move to the right side.
UP ARROW: Move to the front.
DOWN ARROW: Move to the back.
R: respawn on the last checkpoint.
RIGTCLICK AND MOVE: To move the camara from the car view.
F1: Show sensors.
- A circuit.
- Unlimited Laps to win/loss with a timer.
- Some moving obstacles(constraints) and non moving obstacles.
- CheckPoints to make sure everyone follows the same way.
- KM/h Speed limit 90.
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
Language: C++
Physics: Bullet
Code repository: GitHub