A joke database site with 45 categories of jokes, totaling over 130,000 jokes!
The site is implemented with pre-registration, in order to be able to:
- joke ratings;
- sending a new anecdote from the user for consideration by the administrator;
- consideration of the joke by the administrator:
- to confirm the addition of a new joke;
- to rejection the addition of a new joke.
- On this page, the user can log in, or go to the registration page
- to go to the page use the direct path /
- Filling in information: login, email, password, first name, last name
- to go to the page use the direct path /registration/
- Contains jokes, with a choice of a category of jokes, with the ability to go to the page - adding a new joke, as well as a button to exit the profile;
- With the ability to evaluate anecdote.
- to go to the page use the direct path /anek/
- The page is designed to review new jokes from users, with confirmation of adding a new joke to the database, or rejecting it. When reviewing a new joke, the administrator sees the sender's name, mail, category of the joke, and the joke itself.
- To be able to go to this page, you need to access it by changing the user status in the database (in the project folder - aneks.db - Users table - column "administrator")
- to go to the page use the direct path /admin/
- Flask;
- WTF;
- SQLAlchemy;
- Flask-login;
- Werkzeug;
- Jinja2.