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Find wireframes here : ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ START OF NOTES (to be deleted) ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

In this section, you will include a few paragraphs providing an overview of your project. Essentially, this part is your "sales pitch".

At this stage, you should have a name for your project so use it! Don't introduce the project as a "portfolio project" for the diploma.

In this section, describe what the project hopes to accomplish, who it is intended to target, and how it will be useful to the target audience.

Consider adding a mockup image using the "Am I Responsive" website. Here's your deployed site as an example:

Screenshots for the README and testing should not be inside of assets/ or static/ image folders. (reminder: assets/ and static/ are for files used on the live site, not documentation) Consider adding a new folder called documentation, and add the amiresponsive screenshot inside of that folder. To add the image into your README, use this format: (assuming you have a new folder called documentation with an image called "mockup.png")


Note: Markdown files (.md) should not contain HTML elements like img, br, div, a, etc, only Markdown formatting. Find out more about using Markdown elements here:

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In this section, you will briefly explain your design processes.

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Colour Scheme

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Explain your colours and the colour scheme.

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  • #000000 used for primary text.
  • #E84610 used for primary highlights.
  • #4A4A4F used for secondary text.
  • #009FE3 used for secondary highlights.

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Consider adding a link and screenshot for your colour scheme using "coolors".

When you add a colour to the palette, the URL is dynamically updated, making it easier for you to return back to your colour palette later if needed.


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I used to generate my colour palette.


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If you've used CSS :root variables, consider also including a code snippet here!

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I've used CSS :root variables to easily update the global colour scheme by changing only one value, instead of everywhere in the CSS file.

:root {
    /* P = Primary | S = Secondary */
    --p-text: #000000;
    --p-highlight: #E84610;
    --s-text: #4A4A4F;
    --s-highlight: #009FE3;
    --white: #FFFFFF;
    --black: #000000;


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Explain any fonts and icon libraries used, like Google Fonts and/or Font Awesome.

Consider adding a link to each font used, and the Font Awesome site if used (or similar icon library).


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  • Montserrat was used for the primary headers and titles.

  • Lato was used for all other secondary text.

  • Font Awesome icons were used throughout the site, such as the social media icons in the footer.

User Stories

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In this section, list all of your user stories for the project.

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New Site Users

  • As a new site user, I would like to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a new site user, I would like to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a new site user, I would like to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a new site user, I would like to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a new site user, I would like to ____________, so that I can ____________.

Returning Site Users

  • As a returning site user, I would like to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a returning site user, I would like to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a returning site user, I would like to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a returning site user, I would like to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a returning site user, I would like to ____________, so that I can ____________.

Site Admin

  • As a site administrator, I should be able to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a site administrator, I should be able to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a site administrator, I should be able to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a site administrator, I should be able to ____________, so that I can ____________.
  • As a site administrator, I should be able to ____________, so that I can ____________.


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In this section, display your wireframe screenshots using a Markdown table.

Instructions on how to do Markdown tables start on line #213 on this site:

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To follow best practice, wireframes were developed for mobile, tablet, and desktop sizes. I've used Balsamiq to design my site wireframes.

Home Page Wireframes

Size Screenshot
Mobile screenshot
Tablet screenshot
Desktop screenshot

About Page Wireframes

Size Screenshot
Mobile screenshot
Tablet screenshot
Desktop screenshot

Contact Page Wireframes

Size Screenshot
Mobile screenshot
Tablet screenshot
Desktop screenshot

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Repeat for any addition wireframe pages you have.

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In this section, you should go over the different parts of your project, and describe each in a sentence or so.

You will need to explain what value each of the features provides for the user, focusing on who this website is for, what it is that they want to achieve, and how your project is the best way to help them achieve these things.

For some/all of your features, you may choose to reference the specific project files that implement them.

IMPORTANT: Remember to always include a screenshot of each individual feature!

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Existing Features

  • Title for feature #1

    • Details about this particular feature, including the value to the site, and benefit for the user. Be as detailed as possible!


  • Title for feature #2

    • Details about this particular feature, including the value to the site, and benefit for the user. Be as detailed as possible!


  • Title for feature #3

    • Details about this particular feature, including the value to the site, and benefit for the user. Be as detailed as possible!


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Repeat as necessary for as many features as your site contains.

Hint: the more, the merrier!

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Future Features

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Do you have additional ideas that you'd like to include on your project in the future? Fantastic! List them here! It's always great to have plans for future improvements! Consider adding any helpful links or notes to help remind you in the future, if you revisit the project in a couple years.

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  • Title for future feature #1
    • Any additional notes about this feature.
  • Title for future feature #2
    • Any additional notes about this feature.
  • Title for future feature #3
    • Any additional notes about this feature.

Tools & Technologies Used

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In this section, you should explain the various tools and technologies used to develop the project. Make sure to put a link (where applicable) to the source, and explain what each was used for. Some examples have been provided, but this is just a sample only, your project might've used others. Feel free to delete any unused items below as necessary.

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  • HTML used for the main site content.
  • CSS used for the main site design and layout.
  • CSS :root variables used for reusable styles throughout the site.
  • CSS Flexbox used for an enhanced responsive layout.
  • CSS Grid used for an enhanced responsive layout.
  • JavaScript used for user interaction on the site.
  • Python used as the back-end programming language.
  • Git used for version control. (git add, git commit, git push)
  • GitHub used for secure online code storage.
  • GitHub Pages used for hosting the deployed front-end site.
  • Gitpod used as a cloud-based IDE for development.
  • Bootstrap used as the front-end CSS framework for modern responsiveness and pre-built components.
  • Materialize used as the front-end CSS framework for modern responsiveness and pre-built components.
  • Flask used as the Python framework for the site.
  • Django used as the Python framework for the site.
  • MongoDB used as the non-relational database management with Flask.
  • SQLAlchemy used as the relational database management with Flask.
  • PostgreSQL used as the relational database management.
  • ElephantSQL used as the Postgres database.
  • Heroku used for hosting the deployed back-end site.
  • Cloudinary used for online static file storage.
  • Stripe used for online secure payments of ecommerce products/services.
  • AWS S3 used for online static file storage.

Database Design

Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) help to visualize database architecture before creating models. Understanding the relationships between different tables can save time later in the project.

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Using your defined models (one example below), create an ERD with the relationships identified.

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class Product(models.Model):
    category = models.ForeignKey(
        "Category", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
    sku = models.CharField(max_length=254, null=True, blank=True)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=254)
    description = models.TextField()
    has_sizes = models.BooleanField(default=False, null=True, blank=True)
    price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2)
    rating = models.DecimalField(
        max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True)
    image_url = models.URLField(max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True)
    image = models.ImageField(null=True, blank=True)

    def __str__(self):

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A couple recommendations for building free ERDs:

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Using Markdown formatting to represent an example ERD table using the Product model above:

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  • Table: Product

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    FK category ForeignKey FK to Category model
    sku CharField
    name CharField
    description TextField
    has_sizes BooleanField
    price DecimalField
    rating DecimalField
    image_url URLField
    image ImageField

Agile Development Process

GitHub Projects

GitHub Projects served as an Agile tool for this project. It isn't a specialized tool, but with the right tags and project creation/issue assignments, it can be made to work.

Through it, user stories, issues, and milestone tasks were planned, then tracked on a weekly basis using the basic Kanban board.

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Consider adding a basic screenshot of your Projects Board.

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GitHub Issues

GitHub Issues served as an another Agile tool. There, I used my own User Story Template to manage user stories.

It also helped with milestone iterations on a weekly basis.

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Consider adding a screenshot of your Open and Closed Issues.

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MoSCoW Prioritization

I've decomposed my Epics into stories prior to prioritizing and implementing them. Using this approach, I was able to apply the MoSCow prioritization and labels to my user stories within the Issues tab.

  • Must Have: guaranteed to be delivered (max 60% of stories)
  • Should Have: adds significant value, but not vital (the rest ~20% of stories)
  • Could Have: has small impact if left out (20% of stories)
  • Won't Have: not a priority for this iteration


For all testing, please refer to the file.


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  • ⚠️ DO NOT update the environment variables to your own! These should NOT be included in this file; just demo values! ⚠️
  • ⚠️ DO NOT update the environment variables to your own! These should NOT be included in this file; just demo values! ⚠️
  • ⚠️ DO NOT update the environment variables to your own! These should NOT be included in this file; just demo values! ⚠️

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The live deployed application can be found deployed on Heroku.

ElephantSQL Database

This project uses ElephantSQL for the PostgreSQL Database.

To obtain your own Postgres Database, sign-up with your GitHub account, then follow these steps:

  • Click Create New Instance to start a new database.
  • Provide a name (this is commonly the name of the project: VictoriaBakeryBlog).
  • Select the Tiny Turtle (Free) plan.
  • You can leave the Tags blank.
  • Select the Region and Data Center closest to you.
  • Once created, click on the new database name, where you can view the database URL and Password.

Cloudinary API

This project uses the Cloudinary API to store media assets online, due to the fact that Heroku doesn't persist this type of data.

To obtain your own Cloudinary API key, create an account and log in.

  • For Primary interest, you can choose Programmable Media for image and video API.
  • Optional: edit your assigned cloud name to something more memorable.
  • On your Cloudinary Dashboard, you can copy your API Environment Variable.
  • Be sure to remove the CLOUDINARY_URL= as part of the API value; this is the key.

Heroku Deployment

This project uses Heroku, a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.

Deployment steps are as follows, after account setup:

  • Select New in the top-right corner of your Heroku Dashboard, and select Create new app from the dropdown menu.
  • Your app name must be unique, and then choose a region closest to you (EU or USA), and finally, select Create App.
  • From the new app Settings, click Reveal Config Vars, and set your environment variables.
Key Value
CLOUDINARY_URL user's own value
DATABASE_URL user's own value
DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC 1 (this is temporary, and can be removed for the final deployment)
SECRET_KEY user's own value

Heroku needs two additional files in order to deploy properly.

  • requirements.txt
  • Procfile

You can install this project's requirements (where applicable) using:

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you have your own packages that have been installed, then the requirements file needs updated using:

  • pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

The Procfile can be created with the following command:

  • echo web: gunicorn app_name.wsgi > Procfile
  • replace app_name with the name of your primary Django app name; the folder where is located

For Heroku deployment, follow these steps to connect your own GitHub repository to the newly created app:


  • Select Automatic Deployment from the Heroku app.


  • In the Terminal/CLI, connect to Heroku using this command: heroku login -i
  • Set the remote for Heroku: heroku git:remote -a app_name (replace app_name with your app name)
  • After performing the standard Git add, commit, and push to GitHub, you can now type:
    • git push heroku main

The project should now be connected and deployed to Heroku!

Local Deployment

This project can be cloned or forked in order to make a local copy on your own system.

For either method, you will need to install any applicable packages found within the requirements.txt file.

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

You will need to create a new file called at the root-level, and include the same environment variables listed above from the Heroku deployment steps.

Sample file:

import os

os.environ.setdefault("CLOUDINARY_URL", "user's own value")
os.environ.setdefault("DATABASE_URL", "user's own value")
os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", "user's own value")

# local environment only (do not include these in production/deployment!)
os.environ.setdefault("DEBUG", "True")

Once the project is cloned or forked, in order to run it locally, you'll need to follow these steps:

  • Start the Django app: python3 runserver
  • Stop the app once it's loaded: CTRL+C or ⌘+C (Mac)
  • Make any necessary migrations: python3 makemigrations
  • Migrate the data to the database: python3 migrate
  • Create a superuser: python3 createsuperuser
  • Load fixtures (if applicable): python3 loaddata file-name.json (repeat for each file)
  • Everything should be ready now, so run the Django app again: python3 runserver


You can clone the repository by following these steps:

  1. Go to the GitHub repository
  2. Locate the Code button above the list of files and click it
  3. Select if you prefer to clone using HTTPS, SSH, or GitHub CLI and click the copy button to copy the URL to your clipboard
  4. Open Git Bash or Terminal
  5. Change the current working directory to the one where you want the cloned directory
  6. In your IDE Terminal, type the following command to clone my repository:
    • git clone
  7. Press Enter to create your local clone.

Alternatively, if using Gitpod, you can click below to create your own workspace using this repository.

Open in Gitpod

Please note that in order to directly open the project in Gitpod, you need to have the browser extension installed. A tutorial on how to do that can be found here.


By forking the GitHub Repository, we make a copy of the original repository on our GitHub account to view and/or make changes without affecting the original owner's repository. You can fork this repository by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the GitHub Repository
  2. At the top of the Repository (not top of page) just above the "Settings" Button on the menu, locate the "Fork" Button.
  3. Once clicked, you should now have a copy of the original repository in your own GitHub account!

Local VS Deployment

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Use this space to discuss any differences between the local version you've developed, and the live deployment site on Heroku.

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In this section you need to reference where you got your content, media, and extra help from. It is common practice to use code from other repositories and tutorials, however, it is important to be very specific about these sources to avoid plagiarism.

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Use this space to provide attribution links to any borrowed code snippets, elements, or resources. A few examples have been provided below to give you some ideas.

Ideally, you should provide an actual link to every resource used, not just a generic link to the main site!

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Source Location Notes
Markdown Builder README and TESTING tool to help generate the Markdown files
Chris Beams version control "How to Write a Git Commit Message"
W3Schools entire site responsive HTML/CSS/JS navbar
W3Schools contact page interactive pop-up (modal)
W3Schools entire site how to use CSS :root variables
Flexbox Froggy entire site modern responsive layouts
Grid Garden entire site modern responsive layouts
StackOverflow quiz page Fisher-Yates/Knuth shuffle in JS
YouTube leaderboard using localStorage() in JS for high scores
YouTube PP3 terminal tutorial for adding color to the Python terminal
strftime CRUD functionality helpful tool to format date/time from string
WhiteNoise entire site hosting static files on Heroku temporarily


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Use this space to provide attribution links to any images, videos, or audio files borrowed from online. A few examples have been provided below to give you some ideas.

If you're the owner (or a close acquaintance) of all media files, then make sure to specify this. Let the assessors know that you have explicit rights to use the media files within your project.

Ideally, you should provide an actual link to every media file used, not just a generic link to the main site! The list below is by no means exhaustive. Within the Code Institute Slack community, you can find more "free media" links by sending yourself the following command: !freemedia.

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Source Location Type Notes
Pexels entire site image favicon on all pages
Lorem Picsum home page image hero image background
Unsplash product page image sample of fake products
Pixabay gallery page image group of photos for gallery
Wallhere footer image background wallpaper image in the footer
This Person Does Not Exist testimonials image headshots of fake testimonial images
Audio Micro game page audio free audio files to generate the game sounds
Videvo home page video background video on the hero section
TinyPNG entire site image tool for image compression


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Use this space to provide attribution to any supports that helped, encouraged, or supported you throughout the development stages of this project. A few examples have been provided below to give you some ideas.

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  • I would like to thank my Code Institute mentor, Tim Nelson for their support throughout the development of this project.
  • I would like to thank the Code Institute tutor team for their assistance with troubleshooting and debugging some project issues.
  • I would like to thank the Code Institute Slack community for the moral support; it kept me going during periods of self doubt and imposter syndrome.
  • I would like to thank my partner (John/Jane), for believing in me, and allowing me to make this transition into software development.
  • I would like to thank my employer, for supporting me in my career development change towards becoming a software developer.