This is a Single Page Application built with React that provides information about Marvel characters and comics.
The project utilizes the Marvel Comics API to display a range of cards with Marvel characters on the Characters page. Users can select a specific character to view detailed information about them, as well as see a list of dedicated comics. The page also features a random character section and a search form that leads to individual character pages.
The Comics page represents a collection of Marvel comics with links to view each comic's details.
    ✓  React
    ✓  Functional Components
    ✓  Custom Hooks
    ✓  SASS
    ✓  BEM Methodology
    ✓  Fetch API (Get and Post requests)
    ✓  React Router
    ✓  React Helmet
    ✓  Formik
    ✓  Redux
To run the development version locally, follow these steps:
# Clone the repository:
$ git clone
# Navigate to the repository:
$ cd marvel
# Install dependencies:
$ npm install
# Run the app:
$ npm start
* This is a learning project from the Udemy JavaScript + React course taught by Ivan Petrychenko