I’m a frontEnd Developer based in Barcelona, Spain, specialized in React and with strong design and visual skills due to my years of experience as graphic designer.
const profile = {
pronouns: 'he/him',
code: ['javascript', 'html', 'css'],
askMeAbout: ['web development', 'good practices', 'design'],
technologies: {
mobileApp: ['React Native'],
frontEnd: {
js: ['React', 'Next', 'Gatsby', 'Vue'],
css: ['bootstrap', 'bem', 'tailwind', 'sass']
backEnd: {
js: ['node', 'express']
design: {
apps: ['sketch', 'figma', 'adobe suite'],
fields: ['editorial', 'web', 'graphic', 'branding']
databases: ['mongo'],
misc: ['firebase', 'vercel', 'netlify', 'ssr', 'aws']
status: 'Working at Gamestry as frontEnd Developer'