Program to turn a BMP image into ascii output
#Ode To Odd George I started creating this program as a simple idea with minor hope. Until I stumbled across a faithful frog..... I discovered him on the NatGeo photography website and instantly formed a bond with him. With him by my side creating this project we grew close and I decided to name him George, after his origins. He has been through alot of rigorous testing working on this project, as yet unfinished. bound to a BMP file, eventually freed to HEX data and soon to be a free frog in Ascii form roaming the internet through this GitHub repo in the form of a console application, to meet anyone who is worthy if his acquaintence.
If you find me, in this ever so lonely part of the internet and github, I ask.... Would you like to bring george over to meet you?
#George bound to a BMP // TO ADD George->source:
#George lost in the Matrix of HEX // TO ADD
#George roaming free on my console // TO DO AND ADD
#Usage - Make using the command 'make all' call the Asciify file and provide the filepath of a BMP image (or any image really (but the program wont run though :| )) './asciify George256.bmp'
You can alter the settings of the converter in the Settings folder (The scaling factor doesn't do anything just yet but it will kinda mess with the program, so pls leave it as 1)
As of now it only converts pixel by pixel, no compression just yet so make sure the file is ~~200*300 max
./Asciify /home/me/Images/some_bmp_file.bmp