An Instagram app clone made with React, Apollo Client, GraphQL, and Material UI.
A clone of the Instagram app built with React and Material UI for the frontend and UI, on the backend Hasura and GraphQL to store all the information like users, posts, comments, etc. Apollo Client for connecting React and GraphQL. Firebase for handling authentication with email and with Facebook. The app consists of a UI that looks like the real instagram and React Router to display the different routes that made the single-page application: login, signup, feed, explore, post, and profile page.
- JavaScript
- React
- React Hook Form
- React Router
- date-fns
- Firebase
- Apollo Client
- GraphQL
- Material UI
List of features ready and TODOs for future development
- Multiple routes:
- Login / Signup
- Explore
- Feed
- Profile
- Post
- Firebase authentication
- Upload, like, comment, and save posts
- Follow and unfollow users
Project is: finished.
- Project based on React Bootcamp by Reed Barger.
- GitHub @AlexRFarnes
- Twitter @AlexRFarnes
- Linkedin @AlexRFarnes