Billing Module JS
npm install billing
- Implements base billing standart.
- Data binding frameworks friendly.
- Example: BillingJs Demo (Angular2)
Right constructor (samples/node/rightConstructor.js)
var Bill = require('billing').BillingBill;
var bill = new Bill(); //new Bill{ price: 1.2 }); //add charge
var charge ={ qty: 2.5, price: 2.4}); //charge with quantity
charge.modify({ fixedValue: 1.5 }); //charge modifier{ price: 3, modifier: { percentRatio: 0.5 } }); //charge with percent modifier{ percentRatio: -0.1 }); //global modifier percent{ value: 1 }); //partial payment; //pay the rest
// validations
charge ={ price: -2 });
charge.isValid; // -> false
charge.errors; // -> [{ price: { greaterThan: 'must be greater than 0' } }, { finalValue: { greaterThanOrEqualTo: 'must be greater than or equal to 0' } }]
bill.isValid; // -> false
bill.errors; // -> [{ charges: { invalid: 'are invalid' } }]
Left constructor (samples/node/leftConstructor.js)
var billing = require('billing');
var Bill = billing.BillingBill;
var Charge = billing.BillingCharge;
var Modifier = billing.BillingModifier;
var Payment = billing.BillingPayment;
var bill = new Bill();
new Charge({ bill: bill, price: 1.2 });
var charge = new Charge({ bill: bill, qty: 2.5, price: 2.4});
new Modifier({ charge: charge, fixedValue: 1.5 });
new Charge({ bill: bill, price: 3, modifier: { percentRatio: 0.5 } })
new Modifier({ bill: bill, percentRatio: -0.1 });
new Payment({ bill: bill, value: 1 });
new Payment({ bill: bill });
bill.charges //Charge collection
bill.modifiers //Modifier collection
bill.payments //Payment collection //The whole number or amount (charges and modifiers)
bill.balance //Bill remainder (total - payments)
bill.toJson() //A JSON object (without circular references)
<item> = <collection>.new(attributes = {}) //create
boolean <collection>.add(item) //add
boolean <collection>.remove(item) //destroy
boolean <item>.isValid // check validity
<item>.errors // errors format [{ propertyName: { validationName: 'Human readable error' }}]
<item>.state // Unused instance variable available for UI purposes
Using the nomenclature (samples/node/usingNomenclature.js)
var billing = require('../../').Billing;
nomenclature: {
taxGroups: [
{ id: 1, name: '20%', percentRatio: 0.2 },
{ id: 2, name: '9%', percentRatio: 0.09 }
departments: [
{ id: 1, name: 'Food', taxGroupId: 1 },
{ id: 2, name: 'Accommodation', taxGroupId: 2 }
plus: [
{ id: 1, name: 'Pizza', departmentId: 1, price: 20.5 },
{ id: 2, name: 'Steak', departmentId: 1, price: 30.2 },
{ id: 3, name: 'Room', departmentId: 2, price: 200 }
paymentTypes: [
{ id: 1, name: 'Cash', isCash: true, isFiscal: true },
{ id: 2, name: 'Card', isCash: false, isFiscal: true },
{ id: 3, name: 'External', isCash: false, isFiscal: false }
var bill =;{ pluId: 1 }); // -> { qty: 1, price: 20.5, name: 'Pizza', taxRatio: 0.2 }{ qty: 2, price: 150, departmentId: 2 });{ paymentTypeId: 1 }); // -> { name: 'Cash', value: 20.5, isCash: true, isFiscal: true }
bill.toJson(); // -> {
// charges:
// [ { qty: 1, price: 20.5, name: 'Pizza', taxRatio: 0.2 },
// { qty: 2, price: 150, name: 'Accommodation', taxRatio: 0.09 } ],
// payments: [ { name: 'Cash', value: 320.5, isCash: true, isFiscal: true } ] }
`npm run build` - Generate node library. (<project>/lib/*)
`npm run dist` - Generate browser library. (<project>/dist/billing.js)
`npm test` - Run unit tests.