BASH scripts to running important Drush/WP-CLI commands for build, and deployment tasks.
Call these scripts from Declarative Pipelines steps, or as an executed shell script (if using the execute script method, the environment variables that you pass to the shell would be ${JOB_NAME}
instead of ${env.JOB_NAME}
used in Groovy pipelines)
The example-test
project template is based on a Composer Drupal PuPHPet Vagrant environment
Specify the $LAST_BUILD_ID
with a curl/wget, for the last successful build ID. This value is used to optimise the script steps, and database names for 'prod' (production) suffixed projects.
mysql-client, openssh, rsync, scp, curl/wget
These scripts expect a database on either the local, or remote environment.
The .env
files will be generated based on the information available at the time. Some values (such as database name) will default to $PROJECT_NAME
The rsync command for webserver configs, requires sudo
access. Add the following to sudo visudo
to allow this.
<username> ALL=NOPASSWD:<path to rsync>
Completely removing a Composer CMS dependency (such as a Drupal module) will require an initial deployment to disable and remove the module in config, before removing the dependency codebase. Otherwise you remove the code, before formally uninstalling it within Drupal.
A solution to this, would be to create a module to handle 'releases'.
function HOOK_update_8001(&$sandbox) {
// Perform data handling and uninstall tasks here...
Example of the build and deploy scripts, used in Jenkins pipeline steps.
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh "~/jwsa/ ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.WORKSPACE} /path/to/project/envs/${env.JOB_NAME}/.env"
stage("Deploy") {
steps {
sh "~/jwsa/ ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.WORKSPACE} ${env.BUILD_ID} /path/to/project/envs/${env.JOB_NAME}/.env"
/path/to/ ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.WORKSPACE} /path/to/env-files/${env.JOB_NAME}/.env
- SSH connection test
- Bootstrap test
- Import database from remote
- Run database routines
/path/to/ ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.WORKSPACE} ${env.JOB_ID} /path/to/project/envs/${env.JOB_NAME}/.env
- SSH connection test
- Directory structure test
- Bootstrap test
- Rsync build (Make a copy of previous build if bootstrap successful, to ease transfer time on diff)
- Run platform routines (drupal8, etc)
- If running 'prod' environment routines
- Enable read-only mode
- Copy database
- Run database routines
- Switch build symlinks
- Disable read-only mode
- Else, running default routines
- Enable maintenance mode
- Backup database
- Switch build symlinks
- Run database routines
- Disable maintenance
- If running 'prod' environment routines
- Clean up old builds, backups
- NOTE: Build will (in many cases) be reverted if any of the core routines fail.
The ~/project
directory is where $PROJECT_NAME
directories are kept, holding variables, optional web configs (named $PROJECT_NAME
.conf, within their respective $SERVICE
directories) for the build and deploy tasks, and backups synced from the destination.
All of these commands run without credentials. Setup a ~/.my.cnf
for the $DEST_SSH_USER
using a similar template as below.
user = myuser
password = secret
user = myuser
password = secret
user = myuser
password = secret
Comming soon...
Comming soon...