A python library for extended finite state machines.
This library contains methods for parsing and simulating the work of extended finite state machines [1] represented in human readable format [2] described below. Possible applications include the derivation of a number of slices, test suite generation with guaranteed fault coverage, etc.
For better understanding of the format specification let's look at pseudocode:
states: v1, v2, ..., vn;
init: vi;
context_vars: {
c_vars.x = 11;
c_vars.y = 0;
transitions: [
from: v1;
to: v2;
input: {"a": 1};
predicate: {
return input.a == 1 and c_vars.x = 2;
c_vars.x = c_vars.x + 10;
return c_vars.x;
Formally specification can be described with BNF:
possible_chars = 'A-Za-z0-9-_.~%+=*/^ ()|'
state = possible_chars*
context_vars = c_var.(word)
predicate_expr = PYTHON_CODE;
update_expr = PYTHON_CODE;
transition_from = from: integer;
transition_to = to: integer;
transition_input = input: {};
transition_output = output: predicate_expr
transition_predicate = predicate: predicate_expr
transition_update = update: delimitedList(update_expr)
transition = {transition_from + transition_to +
transition_input + transition_output +
transition_predicate + transition_update};
transition = "transitions: [" delimitedList(transition) "];"
states = "states:" + delimitedList(state, delim=LIST_DELIM) + EXPR_DELIM
init = "init: " + state + EXPR_DELIM
grammar = states + init + transition
Download library with:
git clone
To manage virtual environments we use Pipenv (see https://github.com/pypa/pipenv for details). We also keep requirements.txt to workaround pipenv and travis-ci issue.
You can enter virtual environment with simple
pipenv shell
and start working with library.
You can describe a given finite state machine in the proposed format (watch automata/
for examples). Then you can run parser that produces the EFSM object, which you can use in your applications.
efsm_automata = parser.load_efsm('path/to/your/efsm')
After that we can traverse transitions of produced automata using the DFS object or your own implementation:
dfs = efsm.DFS()
print dfs.get_tests()
To run unit tests use:
Confirming configurations in EFSM testing A Petrenko, S Boroday, R Groz IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 30 (1), 29-42
Human readable Extended Finite State Machine format. Alexander Nikitin Proceedings of the 12th Spring Summer Young Researchers’ Colloquium on Software Engineering, Novgorod, Russia, 2018.