There are three Docker containers - victim
, attack
and test
Start Nginx with default page on localhost:50000
docker build -t victim victim && docker run -it --ulimit nofile=245760:245760 --name victim -p -d victim
Start Slowloris attack on it with up to 5000 connections
docker build -t attack ./attack && docker run --network="host" --name="attack" --env VICTIM=http://localhost:50000 --env LIMIT=5000 attack
And from another terminal, start test
docker build -t test ./test && docker run --network="host" --name="test" --env VICTIM=http://localhost:50000 test
docker stop attack && docker rm attack && docker image rm attack
docker stop test && docker rm test && docker image rm test
docker stop victim && docker rm victim && docker image rm victim
Is a Docker container that holds setup Nginx that should handle Slowloris attack... better than
with default setup. It can return only one page - default, that would be exposed on 50000
port of
the host
To configure the port to expose, change the 50000
of the start script
Is a Docker container that takes victim url and desired amount of parallel connections. Will log each second the current amount of connections. For not making it a regular DDoS, it will open 100 connections per second. So to open 10000 it will take 100 seconds
To configure the victim url and the number of parallel requests change VICTIM
of the start script
If the victim fall, the log values would go to negative
Is a Docker container that request the victim, measure the full response time, log it with the response code, wait for a second and start over again
To configure the victim url change VICTIM
value of the start script
If the victim fall, the test
will crash