Raycating project
To execute this project, clone the public repository, and inside the folder execute, the next bash command:
make && ./Cub3d maps/map_std.cub
- In order to develope this project we need to use the minilibx library, below all the explanations and function prototypes:
How to manipulate colors in
/* The next three functions return each r g b color individually */ int get_r(int trgb) { return ((trgb >> 16) & 0xFF); } int get_g(int trgb) { return ((trgb >> 8) & 0xFF); } int get_b(int trgb) { return (trgb & 0xFF); } /* return the int representation of rgb */ int rgb_to_int(int r, int g, int b) { return ((r<<16) + (g<<8) + b); } /* add shadow to any number by modifying each r g b value */ int add_shadow(int rgb) { int r; int g; int b; r = get_r(rgb); b = get_g(rgb); g = get_b(rgb); return (rgb_to_int(r * 0.5, g * 0.5 , b * 0.5)); }
Project developement
Cub3d raycasting
This project was made with the colaboration of Elsruora who did the parsing part**,** the library used to create this project is called minilibx is provided by school 42, you can find the reference above.
To understand this project and find all the tecniques used to modelate a raycasting, follow the next video series.
If you want to know to how to draw a line to representate the rays, in C, using minilibx library, see below code
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* draw_line.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: jvalenci <jvalenci@student.42.fr> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/07/16 10:32:44 by jvalenci #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/09/24 13:08:52 by jvalenci ### ########.fr */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "../../includes/cub3d.h" void plot_line_low(t_map *m, float *xy0, float *xy1) { m->l->dx = xy1[0] - xy0[0]; m->l->dy = xy1[1] - xy0[1]; m->l->yi = 1; if (m->l->dy < 0) { m->l->yi = -1; m->l->dy *= -1; } m->l->d = (2 * m->l->dy) - m->l->dx; m->l->x = xy0[0]; m->l->y = xy0[1]; while (m->l->x < xy1[0]) { my_mlx_pixel_put(m->s_img[0], m->l->x, m->l->y, \ choose_color(m, m->t->wall_code)); if (m->l->d > 0) { m->l->y += m->l->yi; m->l->d += (2 * (m->l->dy - m->l->dx)); } else m->l->d += (2 * m->l->dy); m->l->x++; } } void plot_line_hight(t_map *m, float *xy0, float *xy1) { m->l->dx = xy1[0] - xy0[0]; m->l->dy = xy1[1] - xy0[1]; m->l->xi = 1; if (m->l->dx < 0) { m->l->xi = -1; m->l->dx *= -1; } m->l->d = (2 * m->l->dx) - m->l->dy; m->l->y = xy0[1]; m->l->x = xy0[0]; while (m->l->y < xy1[1]) { // choose_color(m, m->t->wall_code)); my_mlx_pixel_put(m->s_img[0], m->l->x, m->l->y, \ choose_color(m, m->t->wall_code)); if (m->l->d > 0) { m->l->x += m->l->xi; m->l->d += (2 * (m->l->dx - m->l->dy)); } else m->l->d += (2 * m->l->dx); m->l->y++; } } /** @brief Bresenham's line algorithm is a line drawing algorithm that determines the points of an n-dimensional raster that should be selected in order to form a close approximation to a straight line between two points. It is commonly used to draw line primitives in a bitmap image ---> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm */ void plot_line(t_map *m, float x0, float y0) { float xy0[2]; xy0[0] = x0; xy0[1] = y0; if (m->height <= 448 && m->width <= 1024) { if (abs((int)m->l->pdxy[1] - (int)xy0[1]) < \ abs((int)m->l->pdxy[0] - (int)xy0[0])) { if (xy0[0] > m->l->pdxy[0]) plot_line_low(m, m->l->pdxy, xy0); else plot_line_low(m, xy0, m->l->pdxy); } else { if (xy0[1] > m->l->pdxy[1]) plot_line_hight(m, m->l->pdxy, xy0); else plot_line_hight(m, xy0, m->l->pdxy); } } }