A library for implementing fuzzy search using:
- levenshtein distance algorithm
- damerau levenshtein distance algorith
- hamming distance algorithm
- longest subsequence algorithm
Using npm:
npm i --save fuzz-search-js
level: the length of the string is the starting level, how many levels should it match strings above and below its level
max: how many strings should it return
const fuzzy = require("fuzz-search-js");
// For implementing Levenshtein Distance algorithm
const fuz = new fuzzy(["helo","hello", "boy of my own","an act","personal",])
console.log(fuz.lev('helo', options={level:1, max:2})) //default {level:3, max:5}
//expected value
[{ word: "helo", score: 0 },{ word: "hello", score: 1 },]
//levenshtein distance
//damerau levenshtein
//levenshtein distance
fuzzy.getLevenDis("String1", "String2");
//hamming distance
fuzzy.getHamDis("String1", "String2");
//damerau levenshtein distance
fuzzy.getDamLevDis("String1", "String2");
//longest subsequence score
fuzzy.getLongSubqDis("String1", "String2");