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Backend of a music streaming website, Using Node.js and Express only

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You can view the Front End of the website on my friend's GitHub:

( The Back End is NOT Implemented on this link, will be added soon )

MyTones Project

The backend of a music streaming website

Being built little by little

For practicing and learning the backend, using node.js and express

How to use:

You can clone this project and use it in a local environment, the things you gotta do is:

1 - Add a .env file in the root folder and add the following variables inside it:

    ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="a secret password for generating and validating access tokens"
    REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET="a secret password for generating and validating refresh tokens"
    DATABASE_URL="postgresql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DATABASE" (this is for Prisma, I use Postgres with it)
    MAIL_EMAIL="an email (that you have configured the settings in your gmail account) to send verification OTPs to users"
    MAIL_PASSWORD="the application password Google gives you for that email"

2 - After that you have to install the required packages with the command:

    npm install

If you're on Windows, get your WSL bash terminal, install Redis, and run it with the command:


You might also need to generate the Prisma client and migrate the database before running the app, do it with:

    npx prisma migrate dev --name whateverName

    npx prisma generate

3 - Then you can run the server with nodemon using the command:

    npm run dev

After setting things up you can play around and test the API, the API DOCUMENTATION is located at:


Other sections will be added soon.

How to use (With Docker):

(You should have Docker Desktop Installed)

1 - Clone the project, add the .env file, go to user.repository.ts file, uncomment the redisClient (socket) if commented, run docker compose up -d in the root folder (-d is optional to start docker container in background and hide logs from cmd), then go to the /api-docs page and use GET /admin/migratePrisma and wait for it to be run (this is for setting up the DataBase).

That's it, you're all set up!

  • To add the .env file, you can look at the settings in step 1 of the How to use above. I also included the DATABASE_URL path you need to use in the docker-compose.yml file as a comment, just copy and paste it to .env and you're done.

If something goes wrong repeat step 1 XD

When you're done you can either docker compose down or close the container from the UI app.

APIs: documentation in swagger (/api-docs)


/ :

home page


/user/signup :

creates a user with a username, name, lastname, email, and password, 
sends a 6-digit password to the user's email afterwards.

/user/resendEmail :

resends a new password to users if they haven't received the last one.

/user/validateEmail :

validate the user's email with the one-time password sent to their email, so they can log in.

/user/login :

login after the user has validated their email (activates their refresh token).
gives a refresh token and an access token.

/user/refreshToken :

generate a new access token for the user using their refresh token.

/user/logout :

logouts user using their refresh token (deactivates their refresh token).


/admin/users :

Gets an authentication header with an access token (Bearer token), 
displays a list of all users if the token is valid and not expired.

/admin/getUsersTokenless :

Displays a list of all users without a token required.

/admin/migratePrisma :

Migrates and sets up the database (primarily for docker).

/admin/music :

Gets a list of everything music-related in the database [Songs, Artists, Albums, Playlists, Favorites].

/admin/deleteDatabase :

Used for clean up or before changing database, will be deleted before deployment.


POST /music/song :

Creates and uploads a song (required parameters in the /api-docs).

GET /music/song:

Gets the song name or a part of it and brings back all matching results.

POST /music/artist:

Creates an Artist (required parameters in the /api-docs).

GET /music/artist:

Gets artist's name or a part of it, Brings back all matching results.

POST /music/playlist:

Creates a Playlist (required parameters in the /api-docs).

GET /music/playlist:

Gets user_id, Brings back all user's playlists.

POST /music/album:

Creates an Album (required parameters in the /api-docs).

GET /music/album:

Gets the album name or a part of it and brings back all matching results.

PUT /music/actions:

Create/Delete an action by user_id, target_id[song/artist/album], and Type[SONGS/ARTISTS/ALBUMS/DOWNLOADS/PLAY/LIKE].

GET /music/actions:

Gets user_id and actions' Type[SONGS/ARTISTS/ALBUMS/DOWNLOADS/PLAY/LIKE], Brings back an action list.
  • Static API

GET /static/{songPath} Downloads a song by its path in the server