This repo is recording to learn pytorch and implement paper idea. Including some basic function in pytorch document
If you want to see detail document, please see pytorch document
All files in same dir is bad idea, So I will be move some files into some new dir.(DONE)
The files grow faster, So the current dir is not avialable to exist, I will be update dir again.
Basic Most reference of the content introduce in pytorch document. Since this is basic skills.
Mediate The CNN, resnet,rnn is recommended in my course. dont worry the database, since the normal data is provided by torchvision,such as cifar10, MNIST and so on.
Advance This course I will reproduce the result of recent papers, And this module I will continually update.
The Basic module and Mediate module is easy to use, So I'll spent less of time to write documents. Therefore, Advance course will be payed attention to. Datail document will be writed in my spare times.
If you have any questions with this course, please push your issue or connet me with gmail, The detail is