It is a demo of creating a pipeline between two objects with c language without using global data.
In the Demo there is two example particion, 1- bridge_pattern_test.c/.h example 2- Wifi <-> USB (.c/.h) tasks comminication example -> for do that abstract interface -> bridge.h
Imagine a container object , name is -> CX_AREA , it can hold any data, or list , or queue. Can be manageable.
- BRIDGE_OBJ_CREATE( CX_AREA ); -> Create CX_AREA in local area
Imagine a pointer , name is -> CXP, and it hook to CX_AREA, and another pointer to pointer hooks to CXP and its name is -> CXPP.
- BRIDGE_CONNECTION_ASSIGN(CX_AREA, namex, wifi , usb );
And this pointers Created with in main tasks object. ->
- BRIDGE_SECOND_PILE_CREATE( namex ); ( İf you wanna create doubleway)
And Of course load the bridges ->
- BRIDGE_SECOND_PILE_INIT(namex,me); ( İf you wanna create doubleway)
Then its ready to connected
- BRIDGE_GOTO_CROSS(namex, me, wifi_obj_t); (or reverse)
CXPP can reach CXP and it can reach main local area, or reverse.
And if these are crossed, it becomes a doubleway!
In essence, it's a memory tricking technique, and it's pretty useful. Especially in multi-threaded embedded software projects, you can develop multi-modular software.
'PURE and OOP C' Visual Studio 2022 for test. it can be use in every Hardware/PC/Framework.
Created By Ali Sahbaz -> -> MY LINKEDIN ACCOUNT