Welcome to our robust Inventory Management System, designed to streamline your inventory processes and enhance control over your assets. Here are some key features:
Our system keeps a detailed audit trail of every action performed, including add, delete, multiple delete, and update operations. It intelligently handles the addition of quantities for existing items based on name, description, and category.
Easily visualize and manage your inventory with a comprehensive Items table, providing a clear overview of your assets.
Enjoy full control with our CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) system, allowing you to efficiently manage your inventory data.
View Role:
View tables. Download item table data as an Excel file. No further actions permitted. Inventory Role:
Utilize the CRUD system for item management. No permission to download data to Excel. Admin Role:
Full control over CRUD operations. Manipulate user data. Access to additional features like charts.
Our secure login system ensures that each user undergoes an approval process by the Admin before gaining access. This adds an extra layer of security to your inventory management.
Navigate seamlessly through the system with private and protected routes, ensuring that users only access areas relevant to their roles. This helps maintain data integrity and confidentiality.
Stay tuned for more exciting features as we continuously enhance our Inventory Management System to meet your evolving needs. Happy managing!