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gather all properties of an item in its definition; close #11 (almost)
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Mikolaj committed Mar 26, 2011
1 parent 4e344cc commit f618512
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Showing 13 changed files with 342 additions and 252 deletions.
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions src/Actions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Geometry
import Grammar
import qualified HighScores as H
import Item
import ItemKind
import qualified ItemKind
import ItemState
import qualified Keys as K
import Level
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -628,23 +628,22 @@ drinkPotion =
else do
i <- getPotion "What to drink?" items "inventory"
case i of
Just i'@(Item { ikind = Potion pkind }) ->
Just i'@(Item { ikind = ik })
| ItemKind.jname (ItemKind.getIK ik) == "potion" ->
-- only one potion is consumed even if several
-- are joined in the inventory
let consumed = i' { icount = 1 }
baseHP = Config.get (sconfig state) "heroes" "baseHP"
removeFromInventory consumed
message (subjectVerbIObject state pbody "drink" consumed "")
-- the potion is identified after drinking
discover i'
case pkind of
PotionWater -> messageAdd "Tastes like water."
PotionHealing -> do
case ItemKind.jeffect (ItemKind.getIK (ikind i')) of -- TODO: redo
(ItemKind.AffectHP n) -> do
messageAdd "You feel better."
let php p =
min (nhpMax (mkind p)) (mhp p + baseHP `div` 4)
let php p = min (nhpMax (mkind p)) (mhp p + n)
updatePlayerBody (\ p -> p { mhp = php p })
_ -> messageAdd "Tastes like water."
Just _ -> abortWith "you cannot drink that"
Nothing -> neverMind True
Expand All @@ -656,7 +655,7 @@ fireItem = do
pitems <- gets (mitems . getPlayerBody)
pl <- gets splayer
target <- gets (mtarget . getPlayerBody)
case findItem (\ i -> ikind i == Dart) pitems of
case findItem (\ i -> ItemKind.jname (ItemKind.getIK (ikind i)) == "dart") pitems of
Just (dart, _) -> do
let fired = dart { icount = 1 }
removeFromInventory fired
Expand All @@ -677,7 +676,7 @@ applyItem = do
state <- get
per <- currentPerception
pitems <- gets (mitems . getPlayerBody)
case findItem (\ i -> ikind i == Wand) pitems of
case findItem (\ i -> ItemKind.jname (ItemKind.getIK (ikind i)) == "wand") pitems of
Just (wand, _) -> do
let applied = wand { icount = 1 }
removeFromInventory applied
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -736,7 +735,7 @@ getPotion :: String -> -- prompt
-- e.g., "in your inventory"
Action (Maybe Item)
getPotion prompt is isn =
let choice i = case ikind i of Potion {} -> True ; _ -> False
let choice i = ItemKind.jname (ItemKind.getIK (ikind i)) == "potion"
in getItem prompt choice "Potions" is isn

actorPickupItem :: Actor -> Action ()
Expand All @@ -761,7 +760,7 @@ actorPickupItem actor =
let (ni, nitems) = joinItem (i { iletter = Just l }) (mitems movable)
-- message is dependent on who picks up and if the hero can perceive it
if isPlayer
then message (letterLabel (iletter ni) ++ objectItem state (icount ni) (ikind ni))
then message (letterLabel (iletter ni) ++ objectItem state ni)
else when perceived $
message $ subjectCompoundVerbIObject state movable "pick" "up" i ""
removeFromLoc i loc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -833,8 +832,8 @@ displayItems :: Message -> Bool -> [Item] -> Action Bool
displayItems msg sorted is = do
state <- get
let inv = unlines $ (\ (Item { icount = c, iletter = l, ikind = t }) ->
letterLabel l ++ objectItem state c t ++ " ") (\ i ->
letterLabel (iletter i) ++ objectItem state i ++ " ")
((if sorted then sortBy (cmpLetter' `on` iletter) else id) is)
let ovl = inv ++ more
message msg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -896,11 +895,12 @@ actorAttackActor (AHero _) target@(AHero _) =
actorAttackActor source target = do
sm <- gets (getActor source)
let -- Determine the weapon used for the attack.
sword = strongestSword (mitems sm)
damage = 3 + sword
weaponMsg = if sword == 0
weapon = strongestWeapon (mitems sm)
-- TODO: redo
damage = case weapon of Just (Item { ikind = ik, ipower = k }) -> (case ItemKind.jeffect (ItemKind.getIK ik) of ItemKind.AffectHP n -> - n + k; _ -> 3) ; _ -> 3
weaponMsg = if damage == 3
then ""
else " with a (+" ++ show sword ++ ") sword" -- TODO: generate proper message
else " with a (+" ++ show (damage - 3) ++ ") sword" -- TODO: generate proper message
actorDamageActor source target damage weaponMsg
advanceTime source

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Dungeon.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -307,9 +307,9 @@ rollItems cfg lvl ploc =
nri <- nrItems cfg
replicateM nri $
t <- newItem (depth cfg) ItemKind.itemFrequency
l <- case ikind t of
ItemKind.Sword _ ->
t <- newItem (depth cfg)
l <- case ItemKind.jname (ItemKind.getIK (ikind t)) of
"sword" ->
-- swords generated close to monsters; MUAHAHAHA
findLocTry 200 lvl
(const floor)
Expand Down
37 changes: 20 additions & 17 deletions src/Grammar.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
module Grammar where

import Data.Char
import Data.Set as S
import Data.List as L
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM

import Item
import Movable
import MovableKind
import State
import ItemState
import ItemKind
--import qualified ItemKind

-- | How to refer to a movable in object position of a sentence.
objectMovable :: MovableKind -> String
Expand All @@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ subjectVerbIObject :: State -> Movable -> String -> Item -> String -> String
subjectVerbIObject state m v o add =
subjectMovable (mkind m) ++ " " ++
verbMovable (mkind m) v ++ " " ++
objectItem state (icount o) (ikind o) ++ add ++ "."
objectItem state o ++ add ++ "."

subjectVerbMObject :: State -> Movable -> String -> Movable -> String -> String
subjectVerbMObject state m v o add =
Expand All @@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ subjectCompoundVerbIObject :: State -> Movable -> String -> String ->
subjectCompoundVerbIObject state m v p o add =
subjectMovable (mkind m) ++ " " ++
compoundVerbMovable (mkind m) v p ++ " " ++
objectItem state (icount o) (ikind o) ++ add ++ "."
objectItem state o ++ add ++ "."

makeObject :: Int -> (String -> String) -> String -> String
makeObject 1 adj obj = let b = adj obj
Expand All @@ -54,17 +56,18 @@ makeObject 1 adj obj = let b = adj obj
_ -> "a " ++ b
makeObject n adj obj = show n ++ " " ++ adj (obj ++ "s")

objectItem :: State -> Int -> ItemKind -> String
objectItem _ n Ring = makeObject n id "ring"
objectItem _ n Scroll = makeObject n id "scroll"
objectItem s n (Potion t) = makeObject n (identified (sassocs s) (sdiscoveries s) (Potion t)) "potion"
objectItem _ n Wand = makeObject n id "wand"
objectItem _ n Amulet = makeObject n id "amulet"
objectItem _ n Gem = makeObject n id "gem"
objectItem _ n Gold = makeObject n id "gold piece"
objectItem _ n (Sword i) = makeObject n id ("(+" ++ show i ++ ") sword")
objectItem _ n Dart = makeObject n id "dart"
objectItem :: State -> Item -> String
objectItem state o =
let ik = ikind o
kind = ItemKind.getIK ik
identified = L.length (jflavour kind) == 1 ||
ik `S.member` sdiscoveries state
eff = effectToName (jeffect kind)
pwr = if ipower o == 0 then "" else " (+" ++ show (ipower o) ++ ")"
adj name = if identified
then name ++ if jsecret kind == ""
then if eff == "" then pwr else " " ++ eff ++ pwr
else " " ++ jsecret kind ++ pwr
else let flavour = getFlavour (sassocs state) ik
in flavourToName flavour ++ " " ++ name
in makeObject (icount o) adj (jname kind)
144 changes: 103 additions & 41 deletions src/Item.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,40 +3,88 @@ module Item where
import Data.Binary
import Data.Set as S
import Data.List as L
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Control.Monad

import Random
import ItemKind
import Attr

data Item = Item
{ icount :: Int,
ikind :: ItemKind,
iletter :: Maybe Char } -- inventory identifier
{ ikind :: !Int,
ipower :: !Int, --
iletter :: Maybe Char, -- ^ inventory identifier
icount :: !Int }
deriving Show

type Discoveries = S.Set ItemKind

equalItemKind :: Item -> Item -> Bool
equalItemKind = (==) `on` ikind

equalItemLetter :: Item -> Item -> Bool
equalItemLetter = (==) `on` iletter

instance Binary Item where
put (Item icount ikind iletter) = put icount >> put ikind >> put iletter
get = liftM3 Item get get get
put (Item ikind ipower iletter icount ) =
put ikind >> put ipower >> put iletter >> put icount
get = liftM4 Item get get get get

type Assocs = IM.IntMap Flavour

type Discoveries = S.Set Int

-- | Assinges flavours to item kinds. Assures no flavor is repeated,
-- except for items with only one permitted flavour.
rollAssocs :: Int -> ItemKind ->
Rnd (IM.IntMap Flavour, S.Set Flavour) ->
Rnd (IM.IntMap Flavour, S.Set Flavour)
rollAssocs key kind rnd =
if L.length (jflavour kind) == 1
then rnd
else do
(assocs, available) <- rnd
let proper = S.fromList (jflavour kind) `S.intersection` available
flavour <- oneOf (S.toList proper)
return (IM.insert key flavour assocs, S.delete flavour available)

-- | Randomly chooses flavour for all item kinds for this game.
dungeonAssocs :: Rnd Assocs
dungeonAssocs =
liftM fst $
IM.foldWithKey rollAssocs (return (IM.empty, S.fromList stdFlav)) dungeonLoot

getFlavour :: Assocs -> Int -> Flavour
getFlavour assocs ik =
let kind = ItemKind.getIK ik
in if L.length (jflavour kind) == 1
then head (jflavour kind)
else assocs IM.! ik

viewItem :: Int -> Assocs -> (Char, Attr.Color)
viewItem ik assocs = (jsymbol (getIK ik), getFlavour assocs ik)

-- Not really satisfactory. Should be configurable, not hardcoded.
itemStrength :: Int -> ItemKind -> Rnd Int
itemStrength n ik =
if jname ik /= "sword"
then return 0
else do
r <- d (2 + n `div` 2)
return $ (n + 1) `div` 3 + r

itemLetter :: ItemKind -> Maybe Char
itemLetter ik = if jsymbol ik == '$' then Just '$' else Nothing

-- | Generate an item.
newItem :: Int -> Frequency ItemKind -> Rnd Item
newItem n ftp =
tp <- frequency ftp
item <- itemStrength n tp
nr <- itemQuantity n tp
return (Item nr item (itemLetter tp))
newItem :: Int -> Rnd Item
newItem lvl = do
let dLoot = IM.assocs dungeonLoot
fik = Frequency $ ( (jfreq . snd) dLoot) ( fst dLoot)
ikChosen <- frequency fik
let kind = getIK ikChosen
power <- itemStrength lvl kind
let (a', b', c', d') = jquant kind
(a, b, c, d) = (fromEnum a', fromEnum b', fromEnum c', fromEnum d')
-- a + b * lvl + roll(c + d * lvl)
roll <- randomR (0, c + d * lvl)
let quant = a + b * lvl + roll
return (Item ikChosen power (itemLetter kind) quant)

-- | Assigns a letter to an item, for inclusion
-- in the inventory of a hero. Takes a remembered
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,13 +125,12 @@ letterRange xs = sectionBy (sortBy cmpLetter xs) Nothing
succLetter c d = ord d - ord c == 1

sectionBy [] Nothing = ""
sectionBy [] (Just (c,d)) = finish (c,d)
sectionBy (x:xs) Nothing = sectionBy xs (Just (x,x))
sectionBy (x:xs) (Just (c,d)) | succLetter d x
= sectionBy xs (Just (c,x))
| otherwise
= finish (c,d) ++ sectionBy xs (Just (x,x))
sectionBy [] Nothing = ""
sectionBy [] (Just (c,d)) = finish (c,d)
sectionBy (x:xs) Nothing = sectionBy xs (Just (x,x))
sectionBy (x:xs) (Just (c,d))
| succLetter d x = sectionBy xs (Just (c,x))
| otherwise = finish (c,d) ++ sectionBy xs (Just (x,x))

finish (c,d) | c == d = [c]
| succLetter c d = [c,d]
Expand All @@ -95,15 +142,16 @@ letterLabel (Just c) = c : " - "

-- | Adds an item to a list of items, joining equal items.
-- Also returns the joined item.
joinItem :: Item -> [Item] -> (Item,[Item])
joinItem i is = case findItem (equalItemKind i) is of
Nothing -> (i, i : is)
Just (j,js) -> let n = i { icount = icount i + icount j,
iletter = mergeLetter (iletter j) (iletter i) }
in (n, n : js)

-- | Removes an item from a list of items. Takes an equality function (i.e., by letter or
-- ny kind) as an argument.
joinItem :: Item -> [Item] -> (Item, [Item])
joinItem i is =
case findItem (equalItemKindAndPower i) is of
Nothing -> (i, i : is)
Just (j,js) -> let n = i { icount = icount i + icount j,
iletter = mergeLetter (iletter j) (iletter i) }
in (n, n : js)

-- | Removes an item from a list of items.
-- Takes an equality function (i.e., by letter or ny kind) as an argument.
removeItemBy :: (Item -> Item -> Bool) -> Item -> [Item] -> [Item]
removeItemBy eq i = concatMap $ \ x ->
if eq i x
Expand All @@ -113,9 +161,19 @@ removeItemBy eq i = concatMap $ \ x ->
else []
else [x]

removeItemByLetter = removeItemBy equalItemLetter
equalItemKindAndPower :: Item -> Item -> Bool
equalItemKindAndPower i1 i2 = equalItemKind i1 i2 && ipower i1 == ipower i2

equalItemKind :: Item -> Item -> Bool
equalItemKind = (==) `on` (jname . getIK . ikind)

removeItemByKind = removeItemBy equalItemKind

equalItemLetter :: Item -> Item -> Bool
equalItemLetter = (==) `on` iletter

removeItemByLetter = removeItemBy equalItemLetter

-- | Finds an item in a list of items.
findItem :: (Item -> Bool) -> [Item] -> Maybe (Item, [Item])
findItem p is = findItem' [] is
Expand All @@ -125,8 +183,12 @@ findItem p is = findItem' [] is
| p i = Just (i, reverse acc ++ is)
| otherwise = findItem' (i:acc) is

strongestSword :: [Item] -> Int
strongestSword l =
let aux acc (Item { ikind = Sword i }) = max acc i
strongestWeapon :: [Item] -> Maybe Item
strongestWeapon l =
let strength (Item { ipower = n }) = n
aux Nothing item
| strength item > 0 = Just item
aux (Just max) item
| strength item > strength max = Just item
aux acc _ = acc
in foldl' aux 0 l
in foldl' aux Nothing l

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