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Trying to figure out a way to optimize neural-networks differently, that will possibly allow parallelization over the layers (inherently impossible in back-propagation).


Getting Started

Creating The Environment

We use conda and mamba for creating the environments.
mamba is a used to install packages in conda environment, and it works much faster than conda.

CUDA >= 11

For training on GPUs having CUDA 11, we can use the newest version of PyTorch (currently 1.10.0).

Create the environment named ENV-NAME

mamba create --name ENV-NAME python=3.8

Install PyTorch and torchvision.

mamba install pytorch torchvision --name ENV-NAME -c pytorch

Install some useful packages for logging and visualizations

mamba install loguru wandb matplotlib pydantic flatten-dict pytorch-lightning --name ENV-NAME -c conda-forge


For training on GPUs having CUDA 9, we must use PyTorch version <= 1.10.
Note that using this old version of PyTorch has some pitfalls.
So far I encountered the absence of Flatten layer and a bug in circular padding.

Create the environment named torch-cuda9

mamba create --name torch-cuda9 python=3.7

Install some useful packages for logging and visualizations

mamba install --name torch-cuda9 loguru wandb -c conda-forge

Install PyTorch and torchvision.

mamba install --name torch-cuda9 pytorch==1.1.0 torchvision==0.3.0 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch


We use wandb for visualizing the experiments. For setting everything up, this section needs to be performed (once, like building the enviroment).

login online to wandb. I used the option of login with GitHub and my user is alonnt.

Then, in the environment containing wandb, run wandb login.

Clone The Repo

git clone <REPO-PATH>

Running The Experiments


SSH to the machine on which you want to run the experiment. Then, cd into the repository directory


Activate the relevant environment you created previously (depending on which GPU you are using), e.g.

conda activate torch-cuda10

The package wandb needs to write some files during running, and by default it writes it to ~/.config/wandb. While training on a remote machine this path might be in accessible for writing, so we need to change it by running:


Now run the experiment you want. Each run will log to wandb, as well as to a local log-file (in some predefined directory which defaults to ./experiments).

Example Command-lines

See help for the different possible arguments

python --help

Run an experiment with the default arguments:


Run on a GPU, giving a device argument (use different i's for running on different GPUs in the same machine):

python --device cuda:0

Train with DGL:

python --device cuda:0 --dgl

Train with DGL where in each intermediate auxiliary-network use a mixup of 50-50 between the local gradient and the last aux-net gradient:

python ./ --device cuda:0 --dgl --is_direct_global --last_gradient_weight 0.5

1st iteration

I implemented Decoupled Greedy Learning (took some inspiration from [DGL repo]) I also use [DNI repo] which implemented "Decoupled Neural Interfaces" to incorporate synthetic gradients in my experiments. I launched training on CIFAR-10 dataset. The main architecture is (Conv-BatchNorm-ReLU-MaxPool) x 3, followed by a multi-layer-perceptron with 1 hidden layer. Each conv layer has 128 channels with kernel-size 5 and resolution-preserving padding. Each affine hidden layer in a multi-layer-perceptron contains 256 channels. There are 4 variants to the model and training process:

  • Regular: The main architecture without changes, as explained previously.
  • DGL: Decoupled-Greedy-Learning
    This model contains an auxiliary network after each block (i.e. Conv-BatchNorm-ReLU-MaxPool). Each auxiliary network is a multi-layer-perceptron with 1 hidden layer, which predicts the final target (i.e. the classes' scores), and it provides the gradient for the relevant block. Note that the last "auxiliary network" is actually a part of the final model.
    The model is implemented in the class CNNwDGL in the file
  • DNI: Decoupled-Neural-Interface
    This model contains an auxiliary network after each block (i.e. Conv-BatchNorm-ReLU-MaxPool). Each auxiliary network is a CNN containing Conv-BatchNorm-Conv-BatchNorm-Conv which preserve the input tensor dimensions (both channels and spatial size). The auxiliary network predicts the back-propagated gradient of the downstream layers. The model is implemented in the class CNNwDNI in the file
  • cDNI: Context-Decoupled-Neural-Interface. This is the same as DNI except that a "context" (i.e. the label) is provided for each auxiliary network. This is done by multiplying the one-hot vector representing the label with a linear layer and performs element-wise addition of the result with the output of the first conv layer.

The graphs describing the experiments results are attached. Ignore the sudden "peaks", it is some sort of numerical issue with my accumulator of the loss and accuracy.

Train loss

Test loss

Train Accuracy

Test Accuracy


  • Both DGL and the regular model completely overfitted the training-data pretty fast, but DNI didn't, and cDNI "almost" did it but not completely.
    This is probably due to the fact that synthetic gradients don't use the full capacity of the model which causes under-fitting.
  • DGL slightly outperformed the regular model with respect to the test accuracy (77.6% v.s. 76.5%).
    cDNI reached 73.7% (later slightly degraded to 71%-72%).
    DNI lack behind with 65.6% (later degraded to 58%-60%).
    My hypothesis is that DGL causes some sort of "regularization" which caused it to outperform the regular training, even though they both reached 0 loss.

2nd iteration

In the previous iteration, the (best) models reached about 76%-77%, which is below what is normally achieved on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
In order to increase performance I added data-augmentations:

  • Random horizontal flip.
  • Random 32x32 crop (after padding with 4 to obtain 40x40 images).
  • Data normalization helped a little bit (about 0.5%), but there was no significant difference between normalizing to [-1,+1] or to a unit gaussian, so for simplicity [-1,+1] was chosen for future experiments.

Adding data-augmentations significantly improved performance - from 76%-77% to 85%-86%. Now there is even less difference between DGL and regular back-prop, and they both reached peak performance of 86.5% test accuracy.
One notable difference is that DGL's train-loss in decreased slower than regular training, but eventually they both reached (almost) 0 loss.

Train loss

Test loss

Train Accuracy

Test Accuracy

Next, I implemented the VGG models (VGG11/13/16/19), in order to reproduce the performance in the literature which is above 90%. The model I use for the experiment is VGG16 which consists of the following modules:
(Conv(64)-BatchNorm-ReLU) x 2
(Conv(128)-BatchNorm-ReLU) x 2 \־ MaxPool
(Conv(256)-BatchNorm-ReLU) x 3
(Conv(512)-BatchNorm-ReLU) x 3
(Conv(512)-BatchNorm-ReLU) x 3

  • Note that the VGG model was originally built for ImageNet dataset and not for CIFAR-10.
    For example, it contains 5 down-sampling layers which cause the last convolutional block to reach spatial size of 1x1 whereas in ImageNet it's 7x7.
    Additionally, the original VGG model contains additional 2 fully-connected layers with 4096 channels which I omitted (as in the CIFAR-10 implementation of VGG I found online).

Comparing VGG16 to our previous BasicCNN shows increased performance (from 86.5% to 93.2%). DGL now performs worse than regular back-prop, achieving 89.5%.

Train loss

Test loss

Train Accuracy

Test Accuracy


  • DGL extends to other types of architectures like VGG, performing in the same ballpark as regular back-prop but slightly worse.
    • It is possible that further hyper-parameters search might bridge the gap, as during my (informal) hyper-parameters search I noticed the increasing the learning-rate helped regular back-prop and harmed DGL training.
    • It is possible that different auxiliary networks will increase DGL performance.
      Currently the auxiliary network used for DGL is one hidden layer MLP with 512 channels.

3rd iteration

After our meeting in 14.01.2021 we thought about new directions for experiments. Basically, play with the local objectives in the training process, trying to bridge the gap between DGL and BP.
The intuitive idea was to incorporate self-supervised tasks in the layers' objectives, in an ascending complexity. The concrete idea was to try and predict the shifted image, meaning performing pixel-labeling where each pixel is trying to guess what the value of a pixel nearby, slightly exceeding its receptive field.

About a week later, inspiration was taken from Nøkland & Eidnes, 2019, where each layer's objective is mixed between predictive loss (same as DGL) and supervised-contrastive-loss. So we thought to mix the precition loss with some other form of loss, in a similar fashion.

As a "gentle start", I started with predicting the original input images (without any shift). Basically it's like each layer's output is the representation of an auto-encoder. The predictions are successful - in the following figure the prediction (bottom row) are shown in additions to the labels (top row) of first/middle/last layer. The differences between the predictions and the labels are almost not visible, they become a bit blurry with increasing depth (take a look at the cat's fact in the last layer).

auto_encoder_predictions_1st_layer auto_encoder_predictions_2nd_layer auto_encoder_predictions_3rd_layer

Then, I tried to use a shifted image as a target in an "ascending complexity" so each layer's target image is more shifted. Practically, I used linear ascending shifts from 5 to 16 (half of the total image size). Note that I used circular padding here (instead of zero-padding), it seemed more reasonable. The predictions here are "less successful" but its quite different across layers:

shifted_encoder_predictions_1st_layer shifted_encoder_predictions_2nd_layer shifted_encoder_predictions_3rd_layer

Technical experimental details:

  • I used a basic sequential architecture and named it VGG11c.
    It contains the same layers as the original VGG11 which was built for ImageNet, but I reduced the number of pooling layers from 5 to 3 (to get 4x4 instead of 1x1 in the last conv output).
    Here you can find graphs, model's textual description and hyper-parameters. The original (back-prop) version reached 93.89% test accuracy.

  • I experimented with several aspects:

    • Different architectures (shallow v.s. deep, wide v.s. narrow).
    • Weights of the DGL v.s. SSL losses.
    • Hyper-parameters (learning-rate, batch-size, weight-decay, dropout, etc).

    However, the conclusions I put here were seen all over the place.

  • For the SSL-aux-net predictions, their labels were first down-sampled (to the same spatial size of the block's output tensor). However, soon it looks pretty bad (4x4 or 8x8 images from 32x32) so and up-sampling layers were added in the form of transposed convolutions.
    It would be interesting to try and use simple bilinear interpolation as up-sampling, instead of learned one.

  • For predicting the shifted image, at first I tried to calculate the receptive field of each layer, in order to ask each pixel to predict the pixel just after its receptive field.

    • I followed this guide and this guide as well, both are pretty good (but a bit overwhelming and too heavy for a simple feed-forward network).
      Evetually found receptive field calculator which enable calculating on a simple feed-forward networks.
    • After calculating the receptive field, since CIFAR-10 images are quite small (32x32) it quickly grows to be the whole image.
      Anyway, I thought that calculating the exact receptive field is not important as pixels next to each other are similar, and the general idea was to make auxiliary tasks ascend in their complexity, which happens anyway.
      This led to using linear ascending shifts from 5 to 16 (half of the total image size).
  • At first, the pred-aux-net and ssl-aux-net both got the block's output tensor which was possibly after pooling operation. After further thought, it seems more reasonable for pred-aux-net to get the tensor after pool (to decrease dimensionality and therefore parameters count), and ssl-aux-net before pool (to perform less up-sampling to the 32x32).

Experiment results:

  • Here are the graphs of the regular model v.s. DGL v.s. DGL+SSL (original/shifted) each weighted 0.5.

    bp_dgl_ssl_test_acc bp_dgl_ssl_test_loss

    It seems that predicting original images (solid red) did not change much DGL (green), whereas predicting the shifted image (brown) causes a degradation.

In order to check if the SSL loss is worthless I performed the following experiment:

  1. I disabled the DGL loss so every layer in the network does not get a signal from the supervised loss - only from the SSL loss.
  2. For references - as an "upper bound" I used the regular back-prop training and the DGL one, and as a "lower bound" I trained a model with fixed random layers except from the last block and its auxiliary network.
  3. Here are the results:

    bp_dgl_ssl-only_last-block_test_acc bp_dgl_ssl-only_last-block_test_loss

    It seems that treating each layer as an auto-encoder indeed learns meaningful features for upstream layers. Learning the shifted images also beats random initialization, but performs slightly worse than the former.
  4. Note that in this setting a larger learning-rate was useful (0.015 v.s. 0.003), even though all other hyper-parameters were the same as BP.

Food for thoughts:

  • Predicting the original input images certainly extracted better-than-random features.
    However, as pointed out by Wang et al., intuitively neural-networks should preserve information regarding the input, but discard task irrelevant information.
    Using reconstruction loss alone only preserves information regarding the input, it does not relate to the task in hand.

    • Can we incorporate some sort of task-irrelevant information disposal?
      Does it have to take the labels into account?
    • Other self-supervised methods (e.g. SimCLR) also does not involve the task in their features extraction, how does it match the observations in Wang et al.?
      Possible answer - self-supervised tasks indeed relate to the final task in hand, even though they are not the same task. Task relevant information for them is also relevant for the final task, etc.
  • Further techinal work on the models might give different insights.
    For example:

    • Currently the pred-aux-net is 1 hidden layer MLP.
      As shown in several previous works it's better to use an auxiliary network containing a conv layer as well.
    • Use a simple upsampling function instead of a learned one (with transposed convolutions).
      Maybe it'll help with the poor results for shifted image predictions.

Meeting Conclusions (11/02/2021):

  • As another "lower-bound" reference for SSL-alone we can use a model which consists only the last block (without random scrambling the image with several randomly initialized layers).
  • Reaching good performance only with SSL is cool. We're not there yet but maybe we can improve it.
  • Find other tasks - similar to SimCLR or other tasks. Maybe use rotations somehow?
  • In earlier layers make easier tasks. For example, separate between only 2 classes instead of 10.
  • Techinal improvements:
    • Maybe the data augmentation that is currently being used (4x4 zero-padding followed by randon 32x32 crop) is not suitable for predicting the nearby pixel, because how could we know if it's black or not. Try to use random crop followed by scaling back to 32x32, to avoid these black regions.
    • Split to blocks and not make the training process totally local (same as Wang et al.).
  • All of the above is local, meaning that earilier layers do not "prepare" their output to suit the next layers.
    How to incorporate the final network's prediction to the learning process?
    For example, direct feedback alignment does it.
    We want the layer's objective to not be totally-greedy, but also improve the performance of the whole network. Maybe combine it with.
  • How can we use "Gradient descent without a dradient".
    Note that high dimensionality is a problem here. We are in a highly high dimensional space and we choose some direction in random. The chances that this direction will worth something is negligble. Maybe we can somehow sample a better in this huge space. Suppose that the input is in some linear sub-space.

Related Work

Representation Learning

SimCLR - A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations (Feb 2020)

  • Ting Chen, Simon Kornblith, Mohammad Norouzi, Geoffrey Hinton.
    Google Research, Brain Team.
  • Accepted to ICML 2020.
  • paper
  • code

This paper presents SimCLR: A simple framework for contrastive learning of visual representations.
The self-supervised task is to identify that different augmentations of the same image are the same.

SimCLR Architecture

Take home messages:

  • Composition of data augmentations is important.
  • Adding a nonlinear transformation between the representation and the contrastive loss helps.
  • Contrastive learning benefits from larger batch sizes and more training steps compared to supervised learning.

SimCLRv2 - Big Self-Supervised Models are Strong Semi-Supervised Learners (Jun 2020)

  • Ting Chen, Simon Kornblith, Kevin Swersky, Mohammad Norouzi, Geoffrey Hinton.
    Google Research, Brain Team.
  • Accepted to NeurIPS 2020.
  • paper
  • code

This paper presents SimCLRv2: A model based on SimCLR with improvements that reached new state-of-the-art. Generally, the training phase contains three stages: self-supervised pretraining, followed by supervised fine-tuning, and finally distillation with unlabeled examples. Additionally:

  • The backbone which learns the representation in a self-supervised way is much larger than original SimCLR - ResNet-152 (3x+SK) v.s. ResNet-50 (4x).
  • Later, in the third stage, the model can be made smaller via student-teacher distillation.
  • The model uses several "deep-learning tricks" that "make better use of the parameters", such as selective kernels, channel-wise attention mechanism, etc.

SimCLRv2 framework

Take home messages:

  • Notions of task-agnostic v.s. task-specific use of unlabeled data. The first stage (self-supervised pretraining as in original SimCLR) is task-agnostic, whereas the last stage of distillation via unlabeled examples is task-specific.
  • The fewer the labels, the more it is possible to benefit from a bigger model.

    Improvement per #parameters

  • Bigger / deeper projection heads improve representation learning.

    Bigger heads

CPC - Representation Learning with Contrastive Predictive Coding (Jul 2018)

  • Aaron van den Oord, Yazhe Li, Oriol Vinyals.
    DeepMind, London, UK.
  • paper

Propose a universal unsupervised learning approach to extract useful representations called Contrastive Predictive Coding. Use a probabilistic contrastive loss which induces the latent space to capture information that is maximally useful to predict future samples. Demonstrate the approach on speech, images, text and RL.

CPC architecture

On images (which are not time-series) the model split an image to a grid of overlapping patches, and uses a PixelCNN-style autoregressive model to make predictions about the latent activations in following rows top-to-bottom.

CPC for images

Take home messages:

  • They show theoretically that optimizing the InfoNCE loss maximizes a lower bound on the mutual information between the future data-point representation and the context vector (summarizing the past).
  • In its time, reached state-of-the-art on unsupervised classification, but this was still quite far from supervised learning.

CPCv2 - Data-Efficient Image Recognition with Contrastive Predictive Coding (May 2019)

  • Olivier J. Henaff. Aravind Srinivas, Jeffrey De Fauw, Ali Razavi, Carl Doersch, S. M. Ali Eslami, Aaron van den Oord.
    DeepMind, London, UK.
    University of California, Berkeley.
  • paper

A self-supervised learning approach that builds upon the original CPC with several improvements - model capacity, layer normalization, predicting with context from all directions rather than just from above, path-based augmentations.

CPCv2 Graph

They assess CPCv2 in several contexts:

  • Linear classification on top of the learned representations.
    They suprass all self-supervised techniques at that time.
  • Transfer learning to object detection in PASCAL dataset.
    They reach a new state-of-the-art, surpassing supervised transfer-learning.
  • Data-efficient learning - learning with less labeled data.
    They surpass supervised learning with x5-x2 less labeled data, as seen in the graph.

    CPCv2 Graph

Take-home messages:

  • Self-supervised representations seem to be more "data-efficient", as seen both here and in SimCLRv2.

CMC - Contrastive Multiview Coding (Jun 2019)

  • Yonglong Tian, Dilip Krishnan, Phillip Isola.
    Google Research.
  • paper
  • code

Learn a representation in a similar manner as CPC, but instead of maximize mutual information between different patches in an image, it maximizes mutual information between different views of the same image. Note that it scales to any number of views.

Contrastive Multiview Coding

Show empirical results on:

  • ImageNet classification when the different views are luminance and chrominance in color images.
  • Video - views are images v.s. optival flow.
  • Luminance, chrominance, depth, surface normal and semantic labels on NYU-Depth dataset.

Take-home messages:

  • As shown in their experiments, it seems that contrastive loss outperform predictive loss. E.g., it's better to predict that a pair of views is similar rather than predicting one view from the other.

    Predictive v.s. Contrastive

Context Encoders: Feature Learning by Inpainting (Apr 2016)

  • Deepak Pathak, Philipp Krahenbuhl, Jeff Donahue, Trevor Darrell, Alexei A. Efros.
    University of California, Berkeley.
  • Accepted to CVPR 2016.
  • paper
  • code

Present Context-Encoders - a convolutional neural network trained to generate the contents of an arbitrary image region conditioned on its surroundings. In order to succeed at this task, context encoders need to both understand the content of the entire image. Quantitatively demonstrate the effectiveness of the features for CNN pre-training on classification, detection, and segmentation tasks.

Inpainting example

Context Encoder Architecture

Take home messages:

  • Similar in spirit to auto-encoders and denoising auto-encoders.
    However, in auto-encoders the representation is likely to just compress the image content without learning a semantically meaningful representation. \ Denoising auto-encoders is more similar in spirit, but here a large region is missing and not just localized and low-level corruption, so the high level semantics of the image need to be understood.

Colorful Image Colorization (Mar 2016)

  • Richard Zhang, Phillip Isola, Alexei A. Efros.
    University of California, Berkeley.
  • Accepted to ECCV 2016.
  • paper
  • code

Given a grayscale image predict a plausible color version of the image.
This colorization can be a powerful pretext task for self-supervised feature learning, acting as a cross-channel encoder. Results in state-of-the-art performance on several feature learning benchmarks.



Take home messages:

  • Interesting auxiliary task because colorization requires understanding of the semantics of the image.

Predicting What You Already Know Helps: Provable Self-Supervised Learning (Aug 2020)

  • Jason D. Lee, Qi Lei, Nikunj Saunshi, Jiacheng Zhuo.
    Princeton University.
    University of Texas at Austin.
  • paper

Propose a mechanism based on conditional independence to formalize how solving certain pretext tasks can learn representations that provably decreases the sample complexity of downstream supervised tasks.

Greedy InfoMax - Putting An End to End-to-End: Gradient-Isolated Learning of Representations (May 2019)

  • Sindy Löwe, Peter O`Connor, Bastiaan S. Veeling.
    AMLab; University of Amsterdam.
  • Accepted to NeurIPS 2019 (Honorable Mention Outstanding New Directions Paper Award).
  • paper
  • code

Train a neural-network in a self-supervised, local manner (i.e. without labels and without end-to-end backpropagation).

Greedy InfoMax architecture

It uses the InfoNCE objective developed in CPC paper ([Representation Learning with Contrastive Predictive Coding]).
Essentially, this objective pairs the representations of temporally nearby patches and contrasts them against random pairs. Therefore, as shown in CPC paper, it maximizes the mutual information between temporally nearby representations.

Take home messages:

  • Local learning is possible in the regime of self-supervised learning.
  • Interesting self-supervised task - maximize the mutual information between temporally nearby representations (e.g. different patches of the same image).

LoCo: Local Contrastive Representation Learning (Aug 2020)

  • Yuwen Xiong, Mengye Ren, Raquel Urtasun.
    Uber ATG.
    University of Toronto.
  • Accepted to NeurIPS 2020.
  • paper

Show that by overlapping local blocks stacking on top of each other, we effectively increase the decoder depth and allow upper blocks to implicitly send feedbacks to lower blocks.

Loco v.s. Greedy InfoMax

This simple design closes the performance gap between local learning and end-to-end contrastive learning algorithms for the first time. Aside from standard ImageNet experiments, also show results on complex downstream tasks such as object detection and instance segmentation.

Take home messages:

  • The overlapping enables "communication" between lower and upper layers.
  • Self-supervised local learning can reach the performance of supervised back-propagation learning.

Synthetic Gradients

Decoupled Neural Interfaces using Synthetic Gradients (Aug 2016)

  • Max Jaderberg, Wojciech Marian Czarnecki, Simon Osindero, Oriol Vinyals, Alex Graves, David Silver, Koray Kavukcuoglu.
    DeepMind, London, UK.
  • Accepted to ICML 2017.
  • paper
  • code

Use auxiliary networks to decouple sub-graphs, enabling updating them independently and asynchronously.

Decoupled Interfaces

In particular focus on using the modelled synthetic gradient in place of true back-propagated error gradients.

Synthetic Gradients

Predicting the inputs to downstream layers is also possible, completely unlocking (i.e. forward-unlocking) the training.

Completely Unlocked Model

Take home messages:

  • Notions of backward-locking, update-locking and forward-locking.
    All of them are possible (to some extent).
  • It works, but (quite) worse than regular back-propagation.

Understanding Synthetic Gradients and Decoupled Neural Interfaces (Mar 2017)

  • Wojciech Marian Czarnecki, Grzegorz Swirszcz, Max Jaderberg, Simon Osindero, Oriol Vinyals, Koray Kavukcuoglu.
    DeepMind, London, UK.
  • Accepted to ICML 2017.
  • paper

Provide some theoretical explanations to synthetic gradients, for example:

  • The critical points of the original optimization problem are maintained when using synthetic-gradients.
  • Analyze the learning dynamics of synthetic gradients.

Layerwise Optimization

A Provably Correct Algorithm for Deep Learning that Actually Works (Mar 2018)

  • Eran Malach, Shai Shalev-Shwartz.
    The Hebrew University, Israel.
  • paper

Create a toy dataset containing digits that are generated hierarchically, and prove layerwise optimization works.

Hierarchical Digits Generation

Greedy Layerwise Learning Can Scale to ImageNet (Dec 2018)

  • Eugene Belilovsky, Michael Eickenberg, Edouard Oyallon.
    Mila, University of Montreal.
    University of California, Berkeley.
    CentraleSupelec, University of Paris-Saclay.
  • Accepted to ICML 2019.
  • paper

Show that greedy layerwise optimization can reach competitive performance on ImageNet.

Greedy Layerwise Model

Take home messages:

  • local optimization works.
  • layerwise training increases linear separability of the different layers' activations.
  • Using auxiliary network with more than 1 hidden layer works better.

Decoupled Greedy Learning of CNNs (Jan 2019)

  • Eugene Belilovsky, Michael Eickenberg, Edouard Oyallon.
    Mila, University of Montreal.
    University of California, Berkeley.
    CentraleSupelec, University of Paris-Saclay.
  • Accepted to ICML 2020.
  • paper
  • code

Show that the greedy layerwise model can be trained in parallel, with the possibility of adding a buffer between two adjacent layers to completely unlocking the training process.

DGL v.s. DNI

Parallel Training of Deep Networks with Local Updates (Dec 2020)

  • Michael Laskin, Luke Metz, Seth Nabarro, Mark Saroufim, Badreddine Noune, Carlo Luschi, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Pieter Abbeel.
    University of Berkeley.
    Google Research, Brain Team.
  • paper

Provide the first large scale investigation into local update methods in both vision and language domains.

Comparing Local Learning Methods

Take home messages:

  • Same as LoCo (which was done in the self-supervised setting), overlapping of layers seems to help also in the supervised local learning framework.
  • Gradients of earlier layers differ from the true gradients (of regular back-prop).

    Gradient Similarities

  • Global back-propagation demonstrates higher capacity, in that it is able to memorize the dataset better than local greedy backpropagation.

    Fitting to Random Labels

  • Local methods learn different features (e.g. the first conv filters "look" different).

    Filters Comparison

Training Neural Networks with Local Error Signals (Jan 2019)

  • Arild Nøkland, Lars H. Eidnes.
    Kongsberg Seatex, Trondheim, Norway.
  • Accepted to ICML 2019.
  • paper
  • code

Use single-layer auxiliary-networks and two different supervised loss functions to generate local error signals, and show that the combination of these losses helps.

DGL v.s. DNI

In addition to predicting the target classes' scores, they add another a 'similiarity loss' which encourages distinct classes to have distinct representations. They perform experiments using VGG-like networks on a lot of datasets, approaching and sometime surpassing the performance of regular back-prop. For example, in CIFAR-10 reached 95%-96% test accuracy.

Take home messages:

  • Similiary loss works quite good, and somehow complementary to regular prediction loss (indeed, using combination of these losses helps).

Revisiting Locally Supervised Learning: an Alternative to End-to-end Training (Sep 2020)

  • Yulin Wang, Zanlin Ni, Shiji Song, Le Yang & Gao Huang.
    Department of Automation, BNRist, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
  • Accepted to ICLR 2021.
  • paper
  • code

Experimentally show that simply training local modules with E2E loss tends to collapse task-relevant information at early layers, and hence hurts the performance of the full model.
To avoid this issue, propose an information propagation (InfoPro) loss, which encourages local modules to preserve as much useful information as possible, while progressively discard task-irrelevant information. The proposed method boils down to minimizing the combination of a reconstruction loss and a normal cross-entropy/contrastive term.

The intuitive idea is presented in the following figure:

Information Collapse in Local Learning

and these graphs show that greedy SL contributes to dramatically more discriminative features with the first few local modules, whereas E2E learned network progressively boosts the linear separability of features throughout the whole network with even more significant effects in the later layers, surpassing greedy SL eventually.

Information Graphs in Local Learning

This raises an interesting question: *why does the full network achieve inferior performance in greedy SL compared to the E2E counterpart, even though the former is based on more discriminative earlier features*?

The conjecture is that the answer to the above question might lie in the differences of features apart from merely separability - in E2E learned networks, I(h, y) remains unchanged when the features pass through all the layers, while I(h, x) reduces gradually, revealing that the models progressively discard task-irrelevant information. However, greedily trained networks collapse both I(h, x) and I(h, y) in their first few modules.

The InfoPro loss is defined as:

InfoPro Loss

where r* capture as much task-irrelevant information in h as possible. Upper for the intractable InfoPro loss is:

InfoPro Surrogate Loss

estimating I(h,x) by training a decoder to obtain the minimal reconstruction loss, and estimating I(h,y) by a regular classification fashion (with the cross-entropy loss) or by using contrastive representation loss (making representations of same-class similar and different-class different).

Local Critic Training for Model-Parallel Learning of Deep Neural Networks (Feb 2021)

  • Hojung Lee, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Jong-Seok Lee.
    Yonsei University, Incheon, Korea.
    University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), CA, USA.
  • paper
  • code

Very similar concept to DGL, except that the auxiliary networks are trained by minimizing the differences of adjacent losses (instead of the gradients of the losses temselves).

The main network is divided into several modules f_i by the local critic networks c_i and each local critic network delivers an estimated error gradient to the module.

Local Critic Method

The error gradient for training f_i is obtained by differentiating L_i = l(Z_i,y) with respect to h_i, obtaining

Local Critic formula 2

and now performing gradient-descent step

Local Critic formula 3

L_i has to approximate the final output of the main network L_N = l(h_N,y) so that

Local Critic formula 4

The objective can be to train c_i as l(L_i,L_N) which enforces L_i \approx L_N. However, this prevents c_i from being updated until L_N is obtained, so a cascaded training approach is taken by setting the loss for c_i as

Local Critic formula 4

Thus, each local critic network can be also updated to optimize the loss function once the approximated loss by the subsequent layer, L_{i+1}, is available.
  • Perform experiments to both CNNs and RNNs, reaching slightly worse performance than back-prop but way better than synthetic gradients.
  • Perform theoretical analysis very similar to DGL (convergences to a critical points, under the same assumptions as in DGL).
  • Show that the method naturally perorms structural optimization - can form multiple networks having different levels of complexity, among which one can choose a compact one showing good performance.

    Local Critic Structured Optimization

Takehome messages:

  • Seems like the authors were not familiar with other works (mentioned here).
  • It's an interesting idea to enforce similarity between the auxiliary losses (also enables forward-unlocking).
  • The concept of structued optimization is interesting, might worth investigating.

Target Propagation

Difference Target Propagation (Dec 2014)

  • Dong-Hyun Lee, Saizheng Zhang, Asja Fischer, Yoshua Bengio.
    Universite de Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • paper

Associate with each feedforward unit’s activation value a target value rather than a loss gradient. The target value is meant to be close to the activation value while being likely to have provided a smaller loss (if that value had been obtained in the feedforward phase). Suppose the network structure is defined by


where h_i is the state of the i-th hidden layer (h_M is the output and h_0 is the input). Define


The set of parameters defining the mapping between the i-th and the j-th layer. We can now write h_j as a function of h_i by


The loss depends on the state of the i-th layer as follows:


The basic idea of target-propagation is to assign to each h_i a nearby value \hat{h_i} which (hopefully) leads to a lower global loss:


Such a \hat{h_i} is called a **target** for the i-th layer. Now update the weights of the i-th layer to minimize the MSE loss


Now, the top layer target should be directly driven from the gradient of the global loss (e.g. \hat{h_M} = y). For earlier layers take advantage of an "approximate inverse". Suppose for each f_i we have a function g_i such that


Then choosing


would have the consequence that (under some smoothness assumptions on f and g) minimizing the distance between h_{i−1} and \hat{h_{i-1}} should also minimize the loss L_i of the i-th layer. Obtaining such an inverse function is done using auto-encoder. This idea is illustrated here


This paper shows that a linear correction for the imperfectness of the auto-encoders, called difference target propagation, is very effective to make target propagation actually work. It basically defines a different target


which helps (read the paper for full details).

Take home messages:

  • Interesting idea.
  • Unfortunately, seems to work worse than the alternatives (proxy objectives and synthetic gradients).
    Furthermore, experiments were done using only fully-connected networks (MNIST and CIFAR-10).

Convolutional Kernel Methods

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Patches in Deep Convolutional Kernels Methods (Jan 2021)

  • Louis Thiry , Michael Arbel, Eugene Belilovsky, Edouard Oyallon.
  • paper
  • code

Convolutional kernel methods can be competitive with standard supervised deep convolutional networks, while being more amenable to theoretical analysis. This work highlights the importance of a data-dependent feature extraction step that is the key to obtain good performance in convolutional kernel methods. Specifically, this work shows a single layer of image patches followed by a linear classifier is already obtaining classification accuracies on CIFAR-10 in the same range as previous more sophisticated convolutional kernel methods, and scaling this method to the challenging ImageNet dataset, shows that such a simple approach can exceed all existing non-learned representation methods. Experiments to analyze the patches dictionary show they exhibit low-dimensional properties.

The classification pipeline consists of the following steps:

  • Whitening of a dictionary D of random patches.
    For a fixed dataset, this dictionary D is obtained by uniformly sampling patches from images over the whole training set. The whitening step subtracts the mean µ then applies the linear transformation W = (λI + Σ)^{−1/2} to the centered patch.
  • Nearest neighbor quantization of images patches via D.
    For each whitened patch, encode its Q-Nearest Neighbors from the set D (|Q|=0.4|D|).
  • Spatially averaging, to reduce the computational burden of our method.
    This is implemented as an average pooling with kernel size k1 and stride s1.
  • Finally, this representation is being fed to a linear classifier, or a 1-hidden layer CNN.
    In order to reduce the computation cost (following the same line of idea of a "bottleneck" in ResNet), it's being factorized into two convolutional operators. The first one with kernel size k2 and stride 1 reduces the number of channels from D to c_2 and the second one with kernel size k3 and stride 1 outputs a number of channel equal to the number of image classes. Then we apply a global average pooling. For the 1-hidden layer experiment, we simply add a ReLU between the first and the second convolutional layer.

The classification pipeline

Takehome messages:

  • It seems that natural images patches indeed lie on low dimensional manifolds.
  • It will be interesting to stack this method on multiple layers and optimize them layerwise.

Feedback Alignment

Random feedback weights support learning in deep neural networks (Nov 2014)

  • Timothy P. Lillicrap, Daniel Cownden, Douglas B. Tweed, Colin J. Akerman.
    University of Oxford.
    Stockholm University.
    University of Toronto.
    York University, Toronto.
  • Accepted to Nature Communications 2016 (pdf).
  • arXiv paper

Instead of multiplying the back-propagated gradients with the forward weight matrix transposed, multiply by a random matrix. The motivation is to obtain a more biological plausible learning rule.

Feedback Alignment

Take home messages:

  • The network "learns to learn".

  • The angle between the directions of feedback alignment and back-prop decreases to below 90 degrees, meaning the direction of progress is still "descending".
    Interestingly, the angle between the pseudo-inverse of the forward weight matrix goes to zero.

    Angles Comparison

    Note that there is also the "Nature communications" version: [Random synaptic feedback weights support error backpropagation for deep learning]

Direct Feedback Alignment Provides Learning in Deep Neural Networks (Sep 2016)

  • Arild Nøkland.
    Trondheim, Norway.
  • Accepted to NIPS 2016.
  • paper

Instead of using a random matrix to multiply with the back-propagated gradient, use a random matrix for multiplying the top error directly (without backward passing through the top layers). This enables backward-unlocking of the training process.

Direct Feedback Alignment

Take home messages:

  • Learning is possible even when the feedback path is disconnected from the forward path.
  • Performed experiments on small datasets such as MNIST and CIFAR.
    Works okay, slightly worse performance than back-prop.

Direct Feedback Alignment Scales to Modern Deep Learning Tasks and Architectures (Jun 2020)

  • Julien Launay, Iacopo Poli, François Boniface, Florent Krzakala.
    LPENS, École Normale Supérieure.
    IdePhics, EPFL.
  • Accepted to NeurIPS 2020.
  • paper
  • code

Showed empirically that direct feedback alignment works on a variety of different and difficult tasks, such as neural view synthesis (e.g. NeRF), click-through rate prediction with recommender systems, geometric learning with graph-convolutional networks and NLP with transformers.

Neural View Synthesis

Take home messages:

  • Seems to work okay but not as good as back-prop.

Theoretical Papers

Learning Boolean Circuits with Neural Networks (Oct 2019)

Learnability highly depends on the distribution of the data (besides the labeling function). As a toy experiment demonstrating it, learning parities when the data distribution is uniform fails (as promised theoretically), but if the data distribution is slightly biased product distribution the learning succeed.


To separate hard from easy to learn distributions, this work presents the property of local correlation: correlation between local patterns of the input and the target label. The focus is on learning deep neural-networks using a gradient-based algorithm, when the target function is a tree-structured Boolean circuit. In this case, the existence of correlation between the gates of the circuit and the target label determines whether the optimization succeeds or fails.


The neural network which succeed in learning this model is structured similar to the labeling function which is the tree-structured boolean circuit. Each boolean gate is replaced with a one hidden layer neural-network. Then, each such "neural-gate" converges to the corresponding boolean-gate, so the overall learning process succeeds.


Learning Parities with Neural Networks (Feb 2020)

  • Amit Daniely and Eran Malach.
    The Hebrew University, Israel.
  • Accepted to NeurIPS 2020.
  • paper
  • appendix

There are many works showing learnability of neural networks, but most of them show learnability of models that can be learned using linear methods. So these results show that learning neural-networks with gradient-descent is competitive with learning a linear classifier on top of a data-independent representation of the examples. This leaves much to be desired, as neural networks are far more successful than linear methods.
This paper shows that under certain distributions, sparse parities are learnable via gradient decent on depth-two network. On the other hand, under the same distributions, these parities cannot be learned efficiently by linear methods.

The specific distribution over the inputs is a mixture (50-50) of uniform distribution, and a distribution which is uniform on indices outside the parity, but all the indices inside the parity are equal. So the second half of the distribution somehow "reveals" the true labeling function.

The intuition behind the negative result is that parities (on the uniform distribution) can not be learned using statistical-queries, in particular using gradient-descent. So if there exists a successful linear model, it should succeed to learn using gradient descent (since it's convex).

The intuition behind the positive result is that after the first gradient step there is a subset of "good" neurons that approximately implement functions of a specific kind, which can be combined linearly to implement the parity. Furthermore, the weights of the first layer from the second step onwards do not change much.

When Hardness of Approximation Meets Hardness of Learning (Aug 2020)

  • Eran Malach and Shai Shalev-Shwartz.
    The Hebrew University, Israel.
  • paper

A failure of a supervised learning algorithm can occur due to two possible reasons: wrong choice of hypothesis class (hardness of approximation), or failure to find the best function within the hypothesis class (hardness of learning). Although both approximation and learnability are important for the success of the algorithm, they are typically studied separately. This work show a single hardness property that implies both hardness of approximation using linear classes and shallow networks, and hardness of learning using correlation queries and gradient-descent.

The property that is proposed in this paper is the variance of a distribution family. The definition is as follows. Fix some function phi from X to [-1,+1] and observe the variance of the inner-product over all the pairs in the distribution family:


Now define the variance of the entire distribution family as the supremum


An example to the usefulness of this property is for orthogonal classes, since from Parseval's identity we get


and since the D-norm is at most the infinity-norm (which is at most 1 by the definition of phi) we get


so if the set of functions F is exponentially big, let's say the set of all parities (along with the uniform distribution, to form a "distribution family"), the variance become exponentially small which causes approximation to be impossible (unless and exponential number of features in the fixed embedding is used, or the linear separator will have an exponential norm).


Improving the Accuracy of Early Exits in Multi-Exit Architectures via Curriculum Learning (Apr 2021)

  • Arian Bakhtiarnia, Qi Zhang and Alexandros Iosifidis.
    Aarhus University, Denmark
  • paper
  • code

Multi-exit architectures allow deep neural networks to terminate their execution early in order to adhere to tight deadlines. Branches composed of just a few layers of neurons are added at intermediate layers of a deep network. These branches can then be used to make inference time more dynamic at the cost of accuracy. There are various methods for detecting where to exit, one of the easiest and most intuitive ones being to determine the confidence of the output of a branch (e.g. a threshold on the entropy of the classification result).

Curriculum Learning

Curriculum learning is a training strategy that imitates human learning by sorting the training samples based on their difficulty and gradually introducing them to the network. It's composed of two main components: a sorting function that takes training samples as input and assigns a difficulty value to each of them and sorts them based on their difficulty values, and a pacing function that determines the pace at which new training samples are introduced to the network during the training process.

Curriculum Learning

This paper tries to improve the performance of the early exits auxiliary networks by using curriculum learning, and showed empirically it helps improve their accuracy. Note that in some cases anti-curriculum (i.e. going from hard to easy samples) works better.

Training Deep Architectures Without End-to-End Backpropagation: A Brief Survey (Jan 2021)

  • Shiyu Duan, Jose C. Prıncipe.
    University of Florida.
  • paper

A nice survey of alternatives to back-propagation. It covers three main topics:

  • Proxy Objectives - Use some local objective for each layer.
    • Two papers of the survey authors - encourage representations of same-class samples to be closer and different-class samples to be distinct.
    • Belilovsky et al. (2019;2020).
    • Nøkland et al. (2019) - basically a combination of Belilovsky et al. and the survey authors' papers.
    • Two papers which resemble DGL but differ in their auxiliary networks - one uses a fixed random weighted fully-connected layer, and the other uses trainable two layered fully-connected network.
  • Target Propagation - Use specific target tensor for each layer.
    • "Difference target propagation" and "How auto-encoders could provide credit assignment in deep networks via target propagation".
    • "A theoretical framework for target propagation".
  • Synthetic Gradients
    Covers the original paper and the following paper giving some theoretical insights.

Beyond Back-Propagation Survey

Take home messages:

  • Trying to make the representations of same-class samples to be close and different-class samples to be far seems like an interesting and somewhat "popular" idea. Both the authors and Nøkland et al. (2019) found it works, but there are no good explanations.
    It requires "less labels" - only same/not-same class, and not the actual class.
  • The authors papers seem to have interesting theoretical claims - worth a read.
  • Target propagation seems interesting and worth a read. However it seems to work worse than proxy objectives.
    The new paper from 2020 shows "Direct TP" which is similar in spirit to "Direct FA".

The Right Tool for the Job: Matching Model and Instance Complexities (Apr 2020)

  • Roy Schwartz, Gabriel Stanovsky, Swabha Swayamdipta, Jesse Dodge, Noah A. Smith.
    Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
    University of Washington.
    Carnegie Mellon University.
  • Accepted to ACL 2020.
  • paper
  • code

Add classifiers to different layers of BERT and use their calibrated confidence scores to make early exit decisions. This Allow early (and fast) “exit” from neural network calculations for simple instances, and late (and accurate) exit for hard instances. Allow users to control the inference speed/accuracy tradeoff using a single trained model, by setting a single variable at inference time.
This method presents a favorable speed/accuracy tradeoff in almost all cases, producing models which are up to five times faster than the state of the art, while preserving their accuracy.


As for the confidence, since classifiers’ confidence scores are not always reliable, they use calibration techinque which was shown to work well, specifically for BERT.
This method learns a single parameter, denoted temperature or T, and divides each of the logits {z_i} by T before applying the softmax function:


Then select T to maximize the log-likelihood of the validation dataset.

Take home messages:

  • Local training can give this early-exit option free of charge.
    Need to incorporate some mechanism (e.g. confidence) to decide when to exit.
  • The calibrated confidence scores is an interesting idea (they didn't invent it).
  • They analyze specific training-samples - when they are difficult. It might be interesting to do something similar. For example, they use:
    • Consistency - samples where once the model has predicted correctly, it never predicts incorrectly for the remainder of training iterations.
      We might use something similar in local learning - samples which all local modults predict correctly / at least agree on the prediction (even if it's wrong).

Supervised Contrastive Learning (Apr 2020)

  • Prannay Khosla, Piotr Teterwak, Chen Wang, Aaron Sarna, Yonglong Tian, Phillip Isola, Aaron Maschinot, Ce Liu, Dilip Krishnan.
    Google Research.
    Boston University.
  • Accepted to NeurIPS 2020.
  • paper
  • PyTorch code
  • TensorFlow code

Extend the self-supervised batch contrastive approach to the fully-supervised setting. Clusters of points belonging to the same class are pulled together in embedding space, while simultaneously pushing apart clusters of samples from different classes.
Show consistent outperformance over cross-entropy on other datasets and two ResNet variants.


Take home messages:

  • Might be interesting to incorporate try this in local learning framework.
    Maybe enforce distance between embeddings of multiple layers outputs.

A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning (Mar 2016)

  • Vincent Dumoulin, Francesco Visin.
    FMILA, Université de Montréal;
    AIRLab, Politecnico di Milano
  • paper
  • code (with informative GIFs)

A guide to receptive field arithmetic for Convolutional Neural Networks (Apr 2017)

Computing Receptive Fields of Convolutional Neural Networks (Nov 2019)

  • André Araujo, Wade Norris, Jack Sim.
    Google Research; Perception Labs.
  • Distill post

Receptive Field Calculator (May 2019)
