This is a radio player for Sweden radio service, you can choose your radio Station: P1, P2; P3 and local radio P4.
- Includes 50 radio stations.
- You also can see the next radio 5 programs.
- You can also search your favorite radio.
- Set your name and your radio on home page (P1,P2,P3)
- Streaming using AVPlayer class.
The Radio App is an application that combines various technologies to provide users with a seamless user experience when streaming SVT radio, listening to songs, viewing upcoming radio programs, and selecting their favorites.
The app uses data from open JSON API from "SVT Radio OPEN API" This API provides the app with the necessary information of online radio channels. here
Radio App utilizes Core Data to save users favorites. Also the app use use "User Defaults" for save user settings information.
The app utilizes the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture for the data model. This pattern separates the application into three main components - model (data), view (presentation), and view model (logic) - to improve organization and maintainability.
The app use AVplayer Apple framework to strean and play music from the internet.
@Alvar Arias
@Radio App follows Swedish Radio's open API terms of use
@Radio logo images under SVT licence terms of use.(Materialet som tillhandahålls via API får inte användas på ett sådant sätt att det skulle kunna skada Sveriges Radios oberoende eller trovärdighet.)