Honor those who fight against cancer Beautify Foundation We donate wigs
Demo heroku
To Create a website to colect donation and send wigs to customers Using technologies learned at Bootcamp
Technologies Stack: Node.js Express.js Handlebars.js Sequelize.js Mysql
New technologies Stripe Google maps api Youtube playlist api Surprise.js Arquitecture
Result We could create a web app integrated with that collect donations With one database MySQL we storage customers data that’s need wigs as well order tracking number
Team Mony - Business Idea, media, node server, ORM model, quality assurance Al - Site design, Front-end, external api integration Challenges Stripe Integration Router with express and Handlebars for multiple pages, including sequelize Heroku deployment (database creation and integration) Too much requests (Donation button, Videos, site revamp)
Improvements Login Customer interface Blog Ecommerce