Introduction & Motivation •
Tech Stack & Requirements •
Local Installation •
Credit and License •
This project is a web application for the MoJ. The application is a journey tracker allowing users to track their wellbeing journey. The features includes:
- Journaling + Sharing with Staff
- Visual analytics to track progress and wellbeing
- Self assesments
The core technologies used for this project are:
- Ruby (2.7.2) (we recommend using rbenv for managing Ruby versions)
- Rails (6.1.3)
- Webpacker (5.0)
- Pg (1.1)
- Puma (5.0)
- Bootstrap (5.0.0.beta2)
Follow these instuctions for local installation:
Some additional dependency steps might include:
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib`
sudo apt install libpq-dev
Setup postgres local db
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
sudo npm install -g npm@latest
sudo npm install --global yarn
Install Gems
Install Webpack
rails webpacker:install
Create the database and run migrations:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
In the db
directory, create a new file called config.rb
. This file should contain a module called Config
declaring several constant variables used by seed.rb
to control the size of the database.
An example `config.rb` file:
# db/config.rb
module Config
GOALS_FOR_EACH_USER = 10 # Half short-term, half long-term
Then finally, seed the database.
rails db:seed
rails s
You should now be able to view the main web page at
You might be asked to override your local webpacker environment to work
If emails are not working while on localhost, try running the following commands:
$ echo "export SENDGRID_API_KEY=SG.apikeyfromsendgrid" > sendgrid.env
$ source ./sendgrid.env
User account deletion has a grace period of 30 days which is configured in the app/controllers/users/registrations_controller.rb
> destroy
action, if you want to lower this grace period for local testing you can do so here i.e. + 1.minute
will create a grace period of only 1 minute.
The account deletion is handled either via the system should a user interact with it after their deletion date (such as if they're still logged in when the countdown expires) or via a scheduled job should the user set their account to be deleted and not interact with the system again.
This scheduled job is handled by the Heroku Scheduler in the deployed
application which is configured via the scheduler.rake
config file but it can also be emulated locally using a cronjob
with the whenever gem.
If you are not using rbenv
to manage your ruby version you'll need to amend the schedule.rb
config file to use rails
rather than rbenv_rails
to run the task. If you want to setup this cronjob locally run
whenever --update-crontab --set environment='development'
to create the new crontab which can be viewed with crontab -l
, edited with crontab -e
and cleared with
whenever --clear-crontab
If you want to run the task without setting it up as a cronjob locally this is also possible by running rails users:delete
this is the recommended method as this is the command that the Heroku Scheduler runs on the deployed application and
invoking this yourself means you don't have to wait for a cronjob execution to occur.
## Before Initial Commit
These were the steps taken to spin up the application before the initial commit.
rbenv local 2.7.2
rails new include-journey -d=postgresql
update .gitignore
update gem file with devise, sassc, faker, rspec, factory_bot_rails
rails g devise:install
Following this guide:
rails g devise staff
rails g devise user
Update routes, generate views, generate controllers, finish multi-user-model guide
rails g model Note content:text visible_to_user:boolean team_member:belongs_to user:references
rails g scaffold_controller Note
rails g model WellbeingMetric name:string type:string team_member:belongs_to
rails g model WbaSelf user:belongs_to
rails g model WbaSelfScore value:integer priority:integer wba_self:belongs_to wellbeing_metric:belongs_to
rails g model WbaSelfPermission wba_self:belongs_to team_member:belongs_to
rails g model WbaSelfViewLog wba_self:belongs_to team_member:belongs_to
rails g model WbaTeamMember team_member:belongs_to user:references
rails g model WbaTeamMemberScore value:integer priority:integer wba_team_member:belongs_to wellbeing_metric:belongs_to
rails g controller WellbeingMetrics; rails g controller WbaSelves; rails g controller WbaSelfScores; rails g controller WbaSelfPermissions; rails g controller WbaSelfViewLogs; rails g controller WbaTeamMembers; rails g controller WbaTeamMemberScores;
rails db:create; rails db:migrate
Setup Repo