A JWT Authentication server, developed the back-end API with NodeJs and ExpressJs
Add to Base URL above
Use the following Endpoints
POST /auth/signup
Create User AccountPOST /auth/signin
Login A UserGET /user/seed
Seed users table with users with admin rightsPOST /admin/signup
An admin can add new admin (Needs admin priviledges)PUT /user/:id/admin
An admin can give a registered user admin right (Needs admin priviledges) -
A successful response will be
{ status: 'success', data: {} }
{ status: 'success', data: [] }
and an unsuccessful response will be
{ status: 'error', error: 'relevant-error-message' }
I would love to hear from anyone that will like to contribute
NodeJs and Npm (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
Create a .env file at the project root
file to know what to add to.env
in your root folder. -
DBeaver: DBeaver is free and open source universal database tool for developers and database administrators. (https://dbeaver.io/download/), this is optional though, you can use any other GUI for postgreSQL.
If you want set up locally you can follow these steps, you can also use postman
(https://www.getpostman.com/downloads/) to test. Clone the repository, open terminal in root and do the following on terminal
$ npm install
After Setting up the database, create database tables running the command below, its advisable to run the command more than once and make sure your database is updated with the tables:
$ npm run create-dev-tables
Start server by running:
$ npm run start
Seed Database tables with users(with admin right) by running the command below, its advisable to run it more than once:
$ npm run seed-user-table
or use
GET /user/seed
Test endpoints by running:
$ npm run test
Deploy on heroku by adding the following line to the script object in package.json:
"heroku-postbuild": "babel-node ./app/db/dev/dbConnection createAllTables"
git push heroku master
Change the value of "heroku-postbuild" to:
"heroku-postbuild": "babel-node ./app/helpers/seed seedUser"
And run
git push heroku master
None for now.
developed with 💕 by Blessing Krofegha