Url: The url supplied when this document was uploaded Title: The title of the song Song name Author: The author of the song Description: The description of the song taken from the description META tag Content description: The first 3 lines of the song Active flag: Signifies whether this document is hidden from searches or not
The web application - which is the application the user interacts with and the requests are being sent from.
The web server - where the requests are being handled (by controllers) and where the models are defined. Under the Controllers folder in this project you will find:
- Admin controller:
- Getting the document from the link and parsing it
- Creating the index file and inverted index file
- Saving the documents and the terms in the database
- Getting all the documents to the admin
- Activating and deactivating documents
- Search controller:
- Query validations
- Query parsing
- Combine soundex and stemming
- Supports binary operators and parentheses in the query
- Getting the relevant documents from the query’s words