Cli tool written in rust to scaffold the source code for advnent of code solutions in the rust programming language with a template including unit tests + a unit tests runner.
This tool can:
- Creates a rust source code file for each day with the options for another input text file in a separate folder (So you hopefully will add it to your gitignore file).
- Manages the project structures by itself so you can hit "cargo run" and the current day of the selected year will run.
- Runs unit tests for the current day only without having to specify the day.
- Manages different years in one project
- Generates shell completion file for a given shell
Install directly from github:
cargo install --git
This tool should be used inside a rust project. Ideally an empty one with a file only with an empty main() function.
Usage: aoc_scaffold <COMMAND>
config Manage the configs [aliases: c]
next-day scaffold the the repo incrementing the current day and adding a new year if the current year doesn't exist [aliases: n]
run-test Run unit tests for the last day only [aliases: t]
complete Generate completion file for a given shell. Save the output of this command to your shell to get auto completion [aliases: comp]
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Configs management:
Usage: aoc_scaffold config <COMMAND>
set-year set the current year in the settings [aliases: sy]
get-year return the current year in the settings [aliases: gy]
open open the config file in the default text editor [aliases: oc]
get-path return the path of the config file [aliases: gp]
Scaffolding the next day:
Usage: aoc_scaffold next-day [OPTIONS]
-i, --input create an input file for the next day inside the input folder
-o, --open-input open the created input file for the next if it created
-h, --help Print help
Run unit tests for the current day:
Usage: aoc_scaffold run-test [OPTIONS]
-r, --release run tests in release mode
-h, --help Print help
This tool creates a new module for each year with a sub-module for each day. The year module manage with day to call through a match statement:
mod day_01;
mod day_02;
mod day_03;
pub fn run() {
fn run_day(day: u8) {
match day {
1 => day_01::run(),
2 => day_02::run(),
3 => day_03::run(),
_ => unreachable!("day not implemented"),
} file manage the years in his turn: At the beginning the file should have an empty main function only. Having some code inside it will cause problems by manipulating it.
mod year_15;
mod year_22;
fn main() {
fn run_year(year: &str) {
match year {
"15" => year_15::run(),
"22" => year_22::run(),
_ => unreachable!("year not implemented"),
This tool manages these files for you so you shouldn't change anything in them
This is my first open source project and I would appreciate all kinds of contributions!