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Releases: Amphiluke/potprox

Improve ESM support in Node.js

27 Jan 14:17
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Make potprox a ESM-typed Node.js package (CommonJS is also supported just as before).

Update dev. dependencies

14 Dec 08:55
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Rebuild the project with updated dev. dependencies.

Update dev. dependencies

05 Jun 06:55
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This release brings no changes in source code, just an update of dev. dependencies to fix potential vulnerabilities.

Make tree shaking possible

04 Nov 09:24
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Make tree shaking possible for potprox when it’s used as an ES module.

⚠️ This release introduces breaking changes:

  • The module doesn’t provide the default export anymore, so you will need to import it either this way:
    import * as potprox from "./dist/potprox.min.mjs";
    or more selectively (which, BTW, makes tree shaking possible):
    import {Morse, Rydberg} from "./dist/potprox.min.mjs";
  • The potprox.utils object was removed. Its methods (points and rSqr) are now the methods of a potential instance.

Point generator

16 Jul 15:28
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  • Implement the helper utility method potprox.utils.points() to generate points of a potential function.
  • Provide ES module version of potprox for production usage.
  • Revise and update dev dependencies.


30 Aug 14:36
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  • Add a static type property to identify potentials easier.
  • Add the r0 property to the LennardJones class.
  • Add a metadata comment to the browser version of the module.
  • Exclude some stuff from the installed package.

Coefficient of determination & convergence factors

22 Jul 13:20
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  • Implement a method potprox.utils.rSqr to calculate the coefficient of determination.
  • Add an option for altering approximation settings.


25 May 12:52
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Minor fixes in README

Varshni potential (III)

25 May 10:17
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The Varshni potential (III) class implementation.

exp-6 potential

23 May 09:31
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The modified Buckingham potential (the exp-6 potential) class implementation.