A project for deciphering an old Slovenian letter from the early 20th century (cca. 1908)
- Auto decoding of substitution cyphers in English language
- import re, string, random, glob, operator, heapq
- from collections import defaultdict
- from math import log10
- import functools
- import pickle
- import codecs
- import sys
- import nltk
- Clone or download the repository
- Navigate to " /SubstitutionCypher Auto Decode "
- Open and explore the " /SubstitutionCypher Auto Decode/RunAutoDecode.py ", there you will find additional information.
- run "python RunAutoDecode.py" in terminal, to execute the decoding of default example message.
- Experiment with you own messages as explained in the "RunAutoDecode.py"
A simple GUI has been implemented. to run it do the following:
- Clone or download the repository
- Navigate to " /SubstitutionCypher Auto Decode "
- run "python AutoDecodeGUI"
- follow instructions displayed in the user interface
- Implementation of AutoDecode for Slovenian language
- Clean and upload the code for easier manual decoding of the Elizika letter