React App to find videogames and make a wishlist
wish2play is a full stack application that displays a list of videogames handled via RESTful API and it lets users interact with each other and with the games from the platform
Live version
To run this project locally do the following after cloning the project:
- Navigate to client directory with
cd wish2play/client
- Run
npm install
to install all the dependencies - Create a .env file and include the environment variable
- Run
npm run start-dev
to launch the application on http://localhost:1234/
- Navigate to server directory with
cd wish2play/server
- Run
npm install
to install all the dependencies - Change .envExample file name to .env and paste the required environment variables in the corresponding field
- Run
npm run dev
to start the server side of the application
Endpoint | Response |
/api/v1/games | retrieved data with all games |
/api/v1/games/:id | retrieved data of a specific game |
/api/v1/filters | all genres and platforms in use |
The API allows to create a new game making a POST request to /api/v1/games
endpoint when logged as an admin.
Game data has the following schema:
name: {
type: String,
unique: true,
required: true
description: {
type: String,
required: true
image: String,
releaseYear: Number,
platforms: [String],
linkToBuy: String,
genres: [String],
type: String,
enum: ['E', 'E 10+', 'T', 'M', 'A', 'RP'],
default: 'RP'
company: String,
totalRating: {
type: Number,
default: 0
reviews: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Review'
Filtering is implemented via query parameters:
- Filter by name, genre, platform or ESRB: ?name=name
- Select the fields to receive from the API: ?fields=name&fields=totalRating to retrieve game's name and rating
- Sort games by year of release or by rating: ?sortBy=-releaseYear to order games from newest to oldest
- Limit the number of results to return, default is set to a 100: ?limit=number
- Page through the results: ?page=number
- Home page shows two carousels with the most rated games and the newest releases
- Main page displays a paginated list of games loaded from the API with some info (name, users rating and genres)
- User can search games by name, filter them by genre, platform and ESRB rating and toggle the order of display between newest to oldest release and highest to lowest rating
- Detail game page shows full game's information (synopsis, company, release year, platforms and ESRB rating) as well as a list of reviews from users
- If available, user can play the game's soundtrack fetched from the Spotify API
- User can sign up and login providing username and password. After signing in, user gets redirected to their profile page
- Profile page shows:
- Editable user's information and picture
- Paginated lists of current friends and users from the platform to look for via searchbar and befriend
- Two sliders with games played and wishlist respectively
- Right side panel displays friend's wishes the user reserved and requests for games submitted by user
- When logged in, user can mark games as played, add them to their wishlist and post reviews, which are editable and deletable
- User can navigate to their played games and wishlist pages as well as the corresponding pages from other users
- User can manage their own wishlist making public their wishes so that friends can reserve them and mark them as fulfilled once they have been completed
- User can visit friend's wishlist and reserve their wishes
- User can make a request to include a game in the platform
To do:
- Implement push notifications
- Include statistics charts (i.e., pie chart of genres played by user)
- Improve web design, accessibility and performance
- Code refactoring
This is the last of the three projects made during the Ironhack Web Development Bootcamp. It has been a great experience developing a full stack MERN application from the ground up, not following any kind of guideline or tutorial whatsoever.
Please refer to LICENSE
Ana Segarra |