Median finding, Order Statistics and Quick Sort
Overview: The purpose of the project is to compare the performance of QuickSort Algorithm, by using various pivot supply strategies.
- Finished Iterative version of Median Of Medians.
- Quick Select Algorithm which uses Median Of Median for pivot supply.
- Random Select Algorithm which uses Random element as pivot.
- Implement Three versions of quick sort algorithm which uses all the above algorithms to supply pivot.
- Implement Random Quicksort and Normal Quiksort.
- Write test functions to test all algorithms, write time and input size to files.
- Plot the graphs using input size and execution time to compare performance.
Working: step 1: Add all the header files and source files to your project in code blocks. step 2: Add main.cpp file, compile and execute the program. step 3: select any of 3 options to compare or 0 to exit.