C programs for operating system.
C program to implement orphan process.
C program to create child process.
C program to create zombie process.
C program to write a string in parent process and read it in child process.
C program that checks if two strings are same or not using two proceses.
Write a Program to demonstrate the use of signal. The process will print a message infinitely until an interrupt signal occurs. It will handle the signal and wxill print a message along with the signal number that it has got.
- Write a program to demonstrate the use of signal. Parent process will stop until an alarm received from child process.
- Write a Program to create a child process. The parent will send a signal to the child every 5 seconds and the child will handle the signal and check if an input number is a leap year or not.
Write a ‘C’ program in LINUX to create a thread that determines the summation of N natural numbers using POSIX thread library.
- WAP where two threads will synchronize each other to print the pattern "baabbaabbaab".
- WAP where a newly created thread will check a number is prime or not. The number is entered in main thread.
Simulate the producer-consumer problem using multi-threading.
Check input is palindrome or not using two processes- sender and reciever.
Simulate Reader-Writer Problem using multiple processes.
(buffer.h and psem.h are header files that were used in program number 12_1 and 12_2.)