A year-long project that was created to inspire and help users to adhere to a healthy diet.
A mobile app made using React Native & JavaScript that recommends recipes/meals to the user based on their prefered diet & goal; whether that be losing weight, maintaining weight, or gaining weight.
Here are some features:
- Uses a sophisticated algorithm to recommend recipes to users; this includes their preferences as well as their stats and goal
- Ability to favorite a meal which can show you steps on how to cook it and ingredients needed
- Ability to order off the ingredients on Instacart, making it easier for you to read your diet goals 😄
For more detailed and thorough information about the project, how it works, its components, implementations, and design, you can view our research paper on the project here: Project Paper
Note: Right-click and choose "Open Link in New Tab" to view the PDF file.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
In order for you to successfully run the app, you need to install Node.js and NPM and have Expo installed on your device.
To verify if npm is successfully installed on your system...
npm -v
Go to https://apps.apple.com/us/app/expo-go/id982107779 to install Expo
Below is how you set the app up on your desired IDE/code editor.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/AnazMd/490SeniorProject.git
- CD into "FoodDeliveryAPp"
cd FoodDeliveryAPp
- Install NPM packages
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
- Run the program then scan the QR Code
npm start
Click below to view the demo.
- Add Favorites
- Add Instacart integration
- Add replacing meals
- Add live calorie tracker
- Add order history
- For the ingredients
- For the recipes
For any issues, problems, or concerns, please contact any of us by going to our profile pages.