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Testing Causality in Scientific Modelling Software: Covasim Case Study

This repository contains the code for the Covasim case study from our paper entitled: "Testing Causality in Scientific Modelling Software."

In this case study, we apply the Causal Testing Framework (CTF) to the widely used open source COVID-19 agent-based modelling tool, Covasim.

Our goal here is to investigate whether the CTF can accurately estimate a series of statistical metamorphic test (SMT) outcomes using causal knowledge and observational data. We also aim to identify whether accurate inferences can be achieved using small amounts of data.

Repository contents

  • data/ contains all of the data collected for the case study. This data is used to create the figures.
    • observational_data.csv contains 4680 executions of Covasim (30 per location).
    • observational_data_sample.csv is a sample of the above data containing 187 executions.
    • smt_data.csv contains 9360 executions of Covasim: 30 executions per location (of which there are 156) per variant (of which there are two).
    • smt_results.csv contains the results of applying SMT to each location in Covasim.
    • error_by_size.csv contains the error (root-mean-square deviation, Spearman's rho, and Kendall's tau) corresponding to applications of the CTF to different amounts of data, ranging from 9 data points of the full data set to 4671 data points.
    • location_variants_seed_0.json maps each location to a COVID-19 variant and a randomly generated seed. These settings are used to produce observational_data.csv.
    • location_fixed_variants_seed_0.json maps each location to two COVID-19 variants (beta and alpha) and a pair of random seeds. These settings are used to produce smt_results.csv.
  • figures/ contains all of the figures that can be produced from this code.
  • scripts/ contains the various scripts used in data collection and analysis.
    • bash/ contains bash scripts used to collect the data via HPC.
    • python/ contains python scripts used to collect and analyse the data.
      • is used to collect both observational data and SMT data from Covasim.
      • applies the CTF to our data.
      • applies SMT to the SMT data collected from Covasim.
      • contains various utils for cleaning and preparing the data.
      • contains the code for analysing the collected data.
      • contains the code for combining error data to form error_by_size.csv.
      • contains the code for combining observational data for each location into observational_data.csv.
      • contains the code for reproducing the spline regression results from the Appendix.
  • is the causal DAG for this case study.
  • requirements.txt lists the requirements for this case study.
  • results/ is an empty directory that will be populated with observational data results during data collection.
  • fixed_results/ is an empty directory that will be populated with SMT data during data collection.

Reproducing the Case Study


Begin by cloning this repository:

git clone

Change directory into the cloned directory:

cd covasim_case_study

Create and activate a fresh virtual environment using Python 3.9 (

python3 -m venv case_study_venv
source case_study_venv/bin/activate 

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

In addition to these requirements, the CTF requires pygraphviz which requires a graphviz installation. The method for installing these requirements varies for different operating systems. Instructions can be found here:

Data Analysis

To reproduce the figures in figures/ from the data in data/, the following commands can be used.

  1. To apply the CTF to data/observational_data.csv and data/observational_data_sample.csv in order to produce figures/causal_testing_framework.pdf and figures/less_data_causal_testing_framework.pdf:
python scripts/python/ --ctf
  1. To apply the location-specific regression model to data/observational_data.csv to produce figures/location_regression.pdf:
python scripts/python/ --loc
  1. To plot figures showing RMSPE, RMSD, Kendall's RC, and Spearman's RC vs. amount of data:
python scripts/python/ --cost

Data Collection

For this case study, data was collected using an HPC. The scripts used to collect the data can be found under scripts/bash. Nonetheless, here we explain how the python scripts called by these bash scripts (found under scripts/python) can be called to collect data.

Covasim SMT data:

SMT data is collected by running each location 30 times with two different variants: alpha and beta. This is achieved by running the python script:

python scripts/python/ --loc $1 --variant $2 --seed $3 --repeats 30 --fixed 

Where $1 is the location, $2 is the variant (alpha or beta), and $3 is the seed. For example, to get the SMT results for Australia:

python scripts/python/ --loc australia --variant beta --seed 82239 --repeats 30 --fixed
python scripts/python/ --loc australia --variant alpha --seed 346682 --repeats 30 --fixed

This will produce two files: fixed_results/f_australia_seed_82239.csv and fixed_results/f_australia_seed_346682.csv. The bash script scripts/bash/ repeats this for every location. We then run python scripts/python/ which produces data/smt_data.csv and data/smt_results.csv. For reproducibility, we have included a json file (data/location_fixed_variants_seed_0.json) mapping each location to the seed used for the beta and alpha run, respectively.

Covasim observational data:

Observational data is collected by running each location 30 times with a randomly assigned dominant variant. Each execution randomly samples a slightly different version of this variant. This is achieved by running the python script:

python scripts/python/ --loc $1 --variant $2 --seed $3 --repeats 30 --sd 0.002

Where $1 is the location, $2 is the variant, and $3 is the seed. For example, to get the observational data for Australia:

python scripts/python/ --loc australia --variant alpha --seed 783304 --repeats 30 --sd 0.002

This will produce the file results/sd_0.002/australia_variant_alpha_seed_783304.csv. The bash script scripts/bash/ repeats this for every location. We then run python scripts/python/ which produces data/observational_data.csv. For reproducibility, we have included a json file (data/location_variants_seed_0.json) mapping each location to the variant and seed used for observational data collection.

Error vs. simulations data:

We apply the CTF to increasingly smaller subsets of the full observational data set (data/observational_data.csv) and record the error in terms of the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) and root-mean-square percentage error (RMSPE), as well as two measures of rank correlation (Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau). This is achieved by running the following python command:

python scripts/python/ --seed $1

Where $1 is the seed used for sampling the subsets. This script will create 500 subsets of the observational data and apply the CTF to each one. The subsets are saved under results/subsets and the results are saved in a file results/data_size_seed_x.csv, where x is the selected seed. The bash script scripts/bash/sample_data.shrepeats this for seeds 1 to 30. We then run python scripts/python/ which combines these results into data/error_by_size.csv.


Covasim case study data generation replication code.






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