Cyberark Application Manager for Cyberark and Conjur
Pre-built binaries and packages are available from GitHub releases here.
Currently not supported
Currently not supported
Otherwise, download the latest release
CAM is a utility to help manage applications within conjur. It supports the ability to create namespaces and applications either within conjur via CAM or syncronize applications from cyberark into conjur.
A namespace is a logical repersentation of a team or a group of teams. Namespaces contain a services account, safes, authentication services and applications.
Each namespace will have one service account which is used to manage the namespace. This service account has the ability to create applications and grant applications to specific authentication services or safes the namespace has access to.
Namespace safes are granted by the conjur admin to the namespace. Once a namespace has access to a safe it can give applications access to this safes. Safes represent a safe synced from cyberark which contain accounts and the metadata associated with these accounts.
Namespace authentications services are granted by the conjur admin to the namespace. Once a namespace has access to an authentication service it can give applications access to this authenticator service.
Namespace applications are created by the namespace owner or service account. Once a application is created safes and authenticators can be granted to this application by the service account.
- CAM must be installed on a host and the executable should be placed in the PATH environment variable.
$ cam
cam - cyberark application manager
cam [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
--help - Show this message
--version - Display the program version
init - Create the ~/.conjurrc file
login - Login to DAP. Create the ~/.netrc file
get - Get a specific item
set - Set a specific item
enable - Enable an authentication service
sync - Sync templates or applications into DAP
new-namespace - Create a new namespace within DAP
namespace - Open a namespace
new-app - Create an application within a namespace
new-safe - Create a new safe within a namespace
new-secret - Create a new secret within a safe
policy - App