GA is an exploration into the development of a customizable package for genetic algorithm with the goal of solving multivariate linear regression at speeds faster than step-wise methods. The main function and supporting functions are:
adds new variables that are functions of existing variables -
picks variables based on their names -
is a sub-function which processes the Highest Fitness Creatures to ensure that they Make it into the Next Generation -
breeds the next generation -
creates the Initial Gene Pool for Genetic Algorithm -
scores fitness for an entire generation of creatures -
tests if early termination conditions are met. -
selects parents for the next generation of creatures -
tests User_Provided Custom Function -
generates normal data with 50 Covariates - utilized for demo/setup & benchmarking purposes
GA requires the stats, tesstthat, and assertthat packages**; these should automatically be installed and loaded when installing the ‘GA’ pacakge. A in-depth paper on the development process can be found here.
Users can enter a custom function or select a metric from (AIC, BIC, AICC, R2) to optimize features to include in the linear regression. This function has a broad range of genetic algorithm features including multiple parent section methods, crossover options, mutation options and other features such as elitism, minimizing-inbreeding, using more than two parents and selecting from a range of early termination options.
# The easiest way to get dplyr is to clone install the 'GA' package with the tar.gz file:
install.packages('GA_0.1.1.tgz', repos = NULL, type ='source')
# Alternatively, install using the command line:
R CMD INSTALL 'GA_0.1.1.tgz'
# install directly through github
- Load response & covariate variables
- Required parameters without default values are gene length, desired number of generations, and population size for each generation
- Tune & add additional parameters, which include:
Parameter | Variable Name | Available Options |
Crossover Method | crossover | (‘uniform’,‘fitness’,‘k_point’) |
Parent Selection Method | metric | (‘roulette’,‘rank’,‘tournament’,‘sus’) |
Mutation Method | mutation_rate | (‘fixed’,‘adaptive’) |
Number of Parents | number_of_parents | integer value |
Elitism & Diversity | elitism & minimize_inbreeding | TRUE/FALSE |
Termination Conditions | ‘pause_length’, ‘score_threshold’, ‘percent_converge’) | integer values |
A comprehensive list of available options for each parameter and their default values within the select() function can be found within the documentation manual.
In the following example, gene_length is set to 20 to match the number of independent variables. Population size is set to 25 & we set AIC as the metric and use uniform crossover and rank based parent selection. Moreover, we’ve set early termination criteria that if our estimator (mean) remains unchanged for 4 iterations the program will terminate.
## example deployment for covariate-weight estimation
response_vec <- rnorm(100)
independent_vars <- matrix(rnorm(100*20),ncol=20)
gene_length <- 20
pop <- 25
total_number_generations <- 50
metric <- 'AIC'
crossover <- 'uniform'
method <- 'rank'
estimator <-'Mean'
pause_length <- 4
select(total_number_generations = total_number_generations,
response_vec = response_vec,
independent_vars = independent_vars,
pop = pop,
gene_length = gene_length,
metric = metric,
crossover = crossover,
method = method,
estimator = estimator,
pause_length = pause_length)
The following section contains clarifications and an overview of common parameter changes when developing and testing genetic algorithms.
User_genes allows the user specific genes to the initial generation provided that the matrix consist only of 1s and 0s has no all-zero rows, ncol = gene_length, and has nrow less than or equal the total population pop custom_function allows the user to specify a custom function instead of lm() or glm(). User-provided function must have its first two arguments be: (1) generation_matrix & (2) data.
Function needs to take a single row of a generation_matrix and return a single numeric without NAs or infinities.Otherwise, user should specify a metric from R2, AIC, BIC, or AICC. The underlying fitness function for R2 is lm() and the underlying fitness function for AIC, BIC, and AICc is glm(). AIC, BIC, and AICC has the option to specify a specific family of functions however, the data needs to be defined across the support for the given family for instance exponential must be greater than 0.
Finally, one can also change the estimator parameter; can be nominated from the summary() function aka Min., 1st Qu., Median, Mean, 3rd Qu., or Max. so for instance estimator = Max. metric = ‘AIC’ and score_threshold = 500 would terminate when the Max. AIC falls below 500. diversity is defined as sum(unique(genes))/total genes.
Roulette Method selects parents randomly with a probability proportional to their fitness
Rank Method selects parents randomly with a probability proportional to the rank of their fitness
Tournament uses tourn_size to randomly group that many creatures together. The most fit in that group becomes a parent.
Stochastic Universal Sampling (susN) works like roulette but also selects a number (susN) more candidates at a fixed width from the first draw to increase diversity
Uniform - each gene is randomly selected from 2 or more parents from a PMF proportional to the number of parents.
Fitness - each gene is randomly selected from 2 or more parents from a PMF proportional to the parent’s fitness.
K-Point - parents genes are broken into k+1 segments, then the offspring inherits portions randomly from the parents. Takes the parameter number_of_crossovers which must be less than 1/2 gene_length.For all methods candidate offspring are accepted / rejected so that they don’t have completely 0-vector genes.
Fixed - Each offspring has a mutation_rate chance of being selected for mutation. Once selected one gene is switched form one to zero or zero to one.
Adaptive - the overall population is measured for diversity. As diversity becomes lower, the mutation rate increases. Once selected for mutation a single gene is switched from one to zero or zero to one. The adaptive function is controlled by a simple logistic function with parameters ad_min and ad_max describing the minimum and maximum mutation rates. ad_inflection controls where the logistics point pivots, and ad_curve controls how rapidly the logistics curve increase.
For all mutation methods, candidate offspring are accepted/rejected so that they don’t have completely 0-vector genes.
The ‘Inbreeding’ parameter attempts to reduce the chance of similar creatures creating offspring together. Each parent is assigned new partner(s) randomly from a PMF proportional to how different their genes are. Parents are drawn without replacement so that if they were selected to become parents, they will still remain parents.
Elitism preserves the most-fit creatures from each generation. by selecting a number of most fit creatures equal to the ceiling(pop * elite_prop) and guarantees that they make it to the next generation. Additionally, this features makes a copy of each most-fit creature and conducts one gene mutation randomly on each creature. If the copy is more fit than the original, it is returned instead of the original so that the final returned matrix of elite creatures are at least as fit as the incoming elite creatures.
- Users can define early termination criteria to include a percentage_convergence such that when diversity falls below a specific threshold the program terminates. User can identify a estimate (from the standard summary() function that if the estimate reaches a specific threshold the program terminates or if the estimate pauses for a certain number of iterations terminates.
You can read more in our functions’ documentation using ?function (such as ?select). If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub. For questions and other discussion, please reach out to me via email or direct messaging!