As a foodie I want to make certain meals but don't know how. I want to be able to search for a list of ingredients as well a recipe. Additionally I want to know what is the nearest grocery store to buy the ingredients so that I have instructions for the recipe and know where to get them.
As a Food App user:
WHEN the user searches for a Recipe THEN a list of recipes is shown.
WHEN the user selects a recipe THEN on a modal the full recipe is diplayed. (Content pulled from API: Recipe image, recipe card, list of ingredients, and cooking instructions.)
WHEN the user clicks on the ("
Grocery Stores
") link THEN they are shown an embedded google map with the users nearest grocery store.
This repository ("Food-Group
") is where our Food Ingredients App resides Food Group. This app was created as collabrative effort by Andrew Morrow, Santiago Hincapie, Shivam Shewa, Jonelle Adona, and Christian Gonzalez.
CSS with Materialize framework
2 APIs inegrated: ("
Edamam and Google Places