This project was performed as part of the Udacity nanodegree program with the goal of producing a game playing agent for isolation. Isolation is a deterministic, two-player game of perfect information in which the players alternate turns moving a single piece from one cell to another on a board. Whenever either player occupies a cell, that cell becomes blocked for the remainder of the game. The first player with no remaining legal moves loses, and the opponent is declared the winner. This project uses a version of Isolation where each agent is restricted to L-shaped movements (like a knight in chess) on a rectangular grid (like a chess or checkerboard). The agents can move to any open cell on the board that is 2-rows and 1-column or 2-columns and 1-row away from their current position on the board. Movements are blocked at the edges of the board (the board does not wrap around), however, the player can "jump" blocked or occupied spaces (just like a knight in chess). Additionally, agents will have a fixed time limit each turn to search for the best move and respond. If the time limit expires during a player's turn, that player forfeits the match, and the opponent wins.
The full Udacity project description can be found in the docs
- clone the repo
- restore the project environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
-or -
pip install -r requirements.txt
- run the project
def minimax(self, game, depth):
Depth limited minimax agent. Uses internal recurse function to implement the recursive
tree search
game : `isolation.Board`
An instance of `isolation.Board` encoding the current state of the
game (e.g., player locations and blocked cells).
depth : int
The maximum search depth to evaluate down the game tree
move: (int, int)
The optimum move based on minimax evaluation
def recurse(game, depth, maximizing=True):
Depth limited recursive minimax algorithm
game : `isolation.Board`
An instance of `isolation.Board` encoding the current state of the
game (e.g., player locations and blocked cells).
depth : int
The maximum search depth to evaluate down the game tree
maximizing: bool
Indicates whether to evaluate the function from the player perspective (True)
or the opponent perspective (False)
score, move: float, (int, int)
The score from the heuristic function for the given next player position
max_player = max, float("-inf"), (-1,-1)
min_player = min, float("inf"), (-1,-1)
if self.time_left() < self.TIMER_THRESHOLD:
raise SearchTimeout
if self.terminal(game) or depth == 0:
return self.score(game, self), (-1,-1)
evaluation, value, best_move = max_player if maximizing else min_player
for move in game.get_legal_moves():
score, _ = recurse(game.forecast_move(move), depth-1, not maximizing)
if evaluation(value, score) == score:
value, best_move = score, move
return value, best_move
#minimax call
_, move = recurse(game, depth)
return move
def alphabeta(self, game, depth, alpha=float("-inf"), beta=float("inf")):
Depth and time limited alpha beta minimax algorithm
game : `isolation.Board`
An instance of `isolation.Board` encoding the current state of the
game (e.g., player locations and blocked cells).
depth : int
The maximum search depth to evaluate down the game tree
alpha : float
alpha bound for alpha-beta pruning
beta : float
beta bound for alpha-beta pruning
move: (int, int)
The optimum move based on alpha-beta enhanced minimax evaluation
def max_value(game, depth, alpha, beta):
Player perspective evaluation of alpha beta algorithm
Same as parent function
score, move: float, (int, int)
The score from the heuristic function for the given next player position
if self.time_left() < self.TIMER_THRESHOLD:
raise SearchTimeout()
if self.terminal(game) or depth == 0:
return self.score(game, self), (-1,-1)
best = float("-inf"), (-1,-1)
for move in game.get_legal_moves():
score, _ = min_value(game.forecast_move(move), depth-1, alpha, beta)
best = max(best, (score, move), key=lambda m: m[0])
if best[0] >= beta:
return best
alpha = max(alpha, best[0])
return best
def min_value(game, depth, alpha, beta):
Opponent perspective evaluation of alpha beta algorithm
Same as parent function
score, move: float, (int, int)
The score from the heuristic function for the given next player position
if self.time_left() < self.TIMER_THRESHOLD:
raise SearchTimeout
if self.terminal(game) or depth == 0:
return self.score(game, self), (-1,-1)
best = float("inf"), (-1,-1)
for move in game.get_legal_moves():
score, _ = max_value(game.forecast_move(move), depth-1, alpha, beta)
best = min(best, (score, move), key=lambda m: m[0])
if best[0] <= alpha:
return best
beta = min(beta, best[0])
return best
_, move = max_value(game, depth, alpha, beta)
return move
This repository is used for a nanodegree program that I am participating in so I will not be accepting pull requests.