This project is an attempt to understand and implement a Line's Chatbot
The following functionalities were made:
- GPT2-chitchat >(
- meena-chatbot >(
- Txt2Img generation > DeepAI's API (
- Deep_dream image generation>DeepAI's API (
- Image Captioning >DeepAI's API (
- python3.6.13
- transformers3.5.0
- torch1.3.0, torchvision0.4.1
- tensorflow1.15.5, tensorflow-datasets3.2.1, tensor2tensor
- flask, line-bot-sdk
- langdetect
- LineBot server
- Flex.pickle: flex message
- ch_chatbot: The model used for Chinese chitchat
- meena: The model used for English chitchat