This repository contains code and files related to machine learning models for image classification using the MobileNet architecture. The model is drilled on a data set consisting of two classes: Anemic and Normal
- Google Colaboratory
- Visual Studio Code
- TensorFlow
- Keras
- Scikit-learn
- Seaborn
- NumPy
- Matplotlib
- cv2
- Pandas
The dataset used for training and testing the model should be organized in the following directory structure: This is a dataset containing conjunctiva images, consisting of 2 different classes. This dataset is used to train and test convolutional neural network models.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a commonly used format for data exchange between servers and clients. JSON data is used to structure and manage the conversation, configuration, and response data of a chatbot.
The chatbot model that has been created is able to answer questions with a context about anemia. .
- User takes a picture of an eye, through the app
- User selfie will be sent to ML Model in the Cloud and converted into an array form
- Retrieve data and the model makes predictions based on the eye conjunctiva detected in the image, and returns an image with the user's eye conjunctiva analysis
- The user inputs the questions into the chatbot
- The chatbot captures the input and starts processing it
- The chatbot uses conditional logic to match input with predefined keywords or phrases to identify the user's intent
- Returns the response and prompts the user to ask further questions