It is not exacly recurent network - because it not unroll itself!!!! But can work as such with limited power.
Because the purpose of this project is education - I made it as simple as posible;
This is sequence prediction network.
The NET is learning this sequence: = ".Simple Recurrent Network." .....
These are feedForward() and backPropagate() passes:
void feedForward()
v_hidden = dotVM_b(v_inputs, wih) + dotVM_b(v_context, wch); // Calculate input and context connections to hidden layer.
v_hidden = sigm(v_hidden);
v_output = dotVM_b(v_hidden, who); // Calculate the hidden to output layer.
v_output = sigm(v_output);
v_context = v_hidden; // Copy outputs of the hidden to v_context layer.
void backPropagate()
err_o = (v_target - v_output) * sigmoidDerivative(v_output); // Calculate the output layer error.
err_h = dotVM(err_o, who) * sigmoidDerivative(v_hidden); // Calculate the hidden layer error.
who = who + deltaWeights_b(learnRate, v_hidden, err_o); // Update the weights for the output layer.
wih = wih + deltaWeights_b(learnRate, v_inputs, err_h); // Update the weights for the hidden layer.
This is Visual Studio 2015 C++ project;