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A shared task devoted to the automatic semantic markup


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A shared task devoted to the automatic semantic markup.


The shared task contains 2 tracks:

  • base (Codalab): create a solution that would produce a semantic markup with a dependency head (using the morphosyntactic markup, if possible).
  • hard (Codalab): create a solution that would produce a simultaneous morpho-, syntactic and semantic markup.

Both tracks imply, among other things, the solution of the All-words WSD problem - disambiguation for all polysemous words (homonyms), as participants have to assign semantic classes to all words.
The presence of morphosyntactic markup in the training dataset makes it possible to take these data into account and, in addition, to find out the connection between different levels of markup.

Markup example

Let us look at the markup using this example sentence:

Еду готовили на костре. (The food was cooked on a fire.)

The markup of the base track consists of 3 types of tags: dependency heads, semantic slots and semantic classes.

  1. Dependency heads: words in a sentence are related. Basically, one word is a dependent, and the other is its head, i.e. manages it in some way. This dependency is both semantic and syntactic. Thus, the token еду (food) depends on the token готовили (was cooked).
  2. Semantic slots (Глубинные позиции, ГП) - semantic roles that specific words occupy in a sentence. In the example sentence еда (food) is the (Object) of cooking, and костер (fire) is the place where cooking was located ((Locative)).
  3. Semantic classes (семантические классы, СК) are semantic categories, particular interpretations of words. I.e., еда (food) would have a semantic class FOOD, as well as готовить (was cooked) TO_PREPARE_FOOD_SUBSTANCE.

The whole markup of this example for the BASE track sentence runs as follows:

# text = Еду готовили на костре.
1	Еду	_	_	_	_	2	_	Object	FOOD
2	готовили _	_	_	_	0	_	Predicate	TO_PREPARE_FOOD_SUBSTANCE
3	на	_	_	_	_	4	_	_	PREPOSITION
4	костре _	_	_	_	2	_	Locative	OBJECT_BY_FUNCTION_AND_PROPERTY
5	.	_	_	_	_	2	_	_	_

Here special attention should be paid to homonyms еду (food) and готовили (was cooked). The token еду, apart from semantic tags Object FOOD, can be interpreted in a lexicon as Predicate TO_GO_AND_TRANSFER (1 person sing. verb form of ехать), whereas готовили may also have tags Predicate READINESS.

The markup of this example for the HARD track sentence runs as follows:

# text = Еду готовили на костре.
1	Еду	еда	NOUN	_	Animacy=Inan|Case=Acc|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing	2	obj	Object	FOOD	_
2	готовили	готовить	VERB	_	Aspect=Imp|Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act	0	root	Predicate	TO_PREPARE_FOOD_SUBSTANCE	_
3	на	на	ADP	_	_	4	case	_	PREPOSITION	_
4	костре	костёр	NOUN	_	Animacy=Inan|Case=Loc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing	2	obl	Locative	OBJECT_BY_FUNCTION_AND_PROPERTY	_
5	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	2	punct	_	punct	_

Besides labelling dependency heads, semantic slots and classes, we suggest that the participants mark up lemmas, PoS tags, grammatical features and dependency relations according to UD (Universal Dependencies).


Train dataset

We have created and published the first open corpus for Russian which contains 3-level markup:

  • Morphology (UD)
  • Syntax (UD)
  • Semantics (Simplified Compreno format)

We believe that simultaneous markup of these three language levels is a challenge even more complicated than Dialogue GramEval-2020 competition, where 2 language levels were introduced, morphology and syntax.
The dataset for this task is based on the news texts of the NewsRU site. It was labelled automatically by the Compreno system. This markup was checked manually and automatically converted to the UD format. The conversion was also partially hand-checked.

Important links

Tagsets and other useful information


  • 20 January - train dataset is published;
  • 6 February - test dataset and CodaLab is published;
  • 20 March - shared task deadline, results publication;
  • 1 April - paper submission deadline.


  • Maria Petrova
  • Alexandra Ivoylova (RSUH)
  • Ilya Bayuk
  • Darya Dyachkova (RSUH)
  • Mariia Michurina (RSUH)
  • Angela Shumilova (RSUH)


A shared task devoted to the automatic semantic markup







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  • Python 92.8%
  • Jsonnet 5.2%
  • Shell 2.0%