To install the dependencies for TaskManagerAPI, navigate to the project directory and run the following command:
poetry install
Path: config/.env
To configure the necessary environment variables for the MySQL database in the .env file, you should specify the following information:
Once the dependencies are installed, you can start the TaskManagerAPI by running the following command:
poetry run python
This will start the API server, and it will be accessible at http://localhost:5000.
- URL: /tasks
- Method: POST
- Description: Creates a new task.
- Request Body: JSON data representing the task to be created.
- Response: Returns the created task data if successful, along with a status code of 201.
- Example:
"title": "Task Title",
"description": "Task Description"
- URL: /tasks/<task_id>
- Method: DELETE
- Description: Deletes the task with the specified ID.
- Response: Returns a success message if the task is successfully deleted, along with a status code of 200.
- URL: /tasks
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves all tasks.
- Response: Returns a list of all tasks along with a status code of 200.
- URL: /tasks/<task_id>
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves a specific task by its ID.
- Response: Returns the task data if found, along with a status code of 200.
- URL: /tasks/<task_id>
- Method: PUT
- Description: Updates the task with the specified ID.
- Request Body: JSON data representing the updated task information.
- Response: Returns the updated task data if successful, along with a status code of 200.
- Example:
"title": "Updated Task Title",
"description": "Updated Task Description"
For more detailed documentation on the API endpoints, please refer to the /docs