The app helps you search and locate animals that need feed feeding. A user can sign in with a mobile number / Facebook / Apple account.
Xcode: 14+ SDK: iOS 15+ SPM: Yes Architecture: MVVM + Flow Coordinator
- UIKit / SwiftUI / Combine
- Swift Package Manager
- XCTest
- MapBOX
- AWS Amplify
- Sorcery
- Quick and Nimble
- CocoaLumberjackSwift
- Firebase
- Kingfisher
Raywenderlich Swift Style Guide
- This app uses Mabbox SDK. Please follow the steps from here.
- This project uses AWS Amplify. Please use the
script to run and generate the source code files. Further read here: Note: - for API keys and other secret please connect with one of our group members.
- for first time on boarding guys in case the
script failes. Please run
We needed to convert the certificate and provisioning profile to base 64 string format so that it can be used in the github actions secrets. Hence we used the following commands to convert the files to base 64 format.
openssl base64 -in dev-certificates.p12 -A | tr -d '\n' > dev-certificates_base64.txt openssl base64 -in Animeal_Development_latest.mobileprovision -A | tr -d '\n' > Animeal_Development_latest_base64.txt