(Feel free to suggest changes)
- Merging Phoneme and Char representations: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.07240.pdf
- Tacotron transfer learning : https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.06508.pdf
- phoneme timing from attention: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8683827
- Listening while Speaking: Speech Chain by Deep Learning - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.04879.pdf
- GENERALIZED END-TO-END LOSS FOR SPEAKER VERIFICATION: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.10467.pdf
- Es-Tacotron2: Multi-Task Tacotron 2 with Pre-Trained Estimated Network for Reducing the Over-Smoothness Problem: https://www.mdpi.com/2078-2489/10/4/131/pdf
- Against Over-Smoothness
- FastSpeech: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.09263.pdf
- Learning singing from speech: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.10128.pdf
- TTS-GAN: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.11646.pdf
- they use duration and linguistic features for en2en TTS.
- Close to WaveNet performance.
- DurIAN: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.01700.pdf
- Duration aware Tacotron
- MelNet: https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.01083
- AlignTTS: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.01950.pdf
- Unsupervised Speech Decomposition via Triple Information Bottleneck
- FlowTron: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.05957.pdf
- Inverse Autoregresive Flow on Tacotron like architecture
- WaveGlow as vocoder.
- Speech style embedding with Mixture of Gaussian model.
- Model is large and havier than vanilla Tacotron
- MOS values are slighly better than public Tacotron implementation.
- Efficiently Trainable Text-to-Speech System Based on Deep Convolutional Networks with Guided Attention : https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.08969.pdf
End-to-End Adversarial Text-to-Speech: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.03575 (Click to Expand)
- end2end feed-forward TTS learning.
- Character alignment has been done with a separate aligner module.
- The aligner predicts length of each character.
- The center location of a char is found wrt the total length of the previous characters.
- Char positions are interpolated with a Gaussian window wrt the real audio length.
- audio output is computed in mu-law domain. (I don't have a reasoning for this)
- use only 2 secs audio windows for traning.
- GAN-TTS generator is used to produce audio signal.
- RWD is used as a audio level discriminator.
- MelD: They use BigGAN-deep architecture as spectrogram level discriminator regading the problem as image reconstruction.
- Spectrogram loss
- Using only adversarial feed-back is not enough to learn the char alignments. They use a spectrogram loss b/w predicted spectrograms and ground-truth specs.
- Note that model predicts audio signals. Spectrograms above are computed from the generated audio.
- Dynamic Time Wraping is used to compute a minimal-cost alignment b/w generated spectrograms and ground-truth.
- It involves a dynamic programming approach to find a minimal-cost alignment.
- Aligner length loss is used to penalize the aligner for predicting different than the real audio length.
- They train the model with multi speaker dataset but report results on the best performing speaker.
- Ablation Study importance of each component: (LengthLoss and SpectrogramLoss) > RWD > MelD > Phonemes > MultiSpeakerDataset.
- My 2 cents: It is a feed forward model which provides end-2-end speech synthesis with no need to train a separate vocoder model. However, it is very complicated model with a lot of hyperparameters and implementation details. Also the final result is not close to the state of the art. I think we need to find specific algorithms for learning character alignments which would reduce the need of tunning a combination of different algorithms.
Fast Speech2: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04558 (Click to Expand)
- Use phoneme durations generated by MFA as labels to train a length regulator.
- Thay use frame level F0 and L2 spectrogram norms (Variance Information) as additional features.
- Variance predictor module predicts the variance information at inference time.
- Ablation study result improvements: model < model + L2_norm < model + L2_norm + F0
Glow-TTS: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.11129.pdf (Click to Expand)
- Use Monotonic Alignment Search to learn the alignment b/w text and spectrogram
- This alignment is used to train a Duration Predictor to be used at inference.
- Encoder maps each character to a Gaussian Distribution.
- Decoder maps each spectrogram frame to a latent vector using Normalizing Flow (Glow Layers)
- Encoder and Decoder outputs are aligned with MAS.
- At each iteration first the most probable alignment is found by MAS and this alignment is used to update mode parameters.
- A duration predictor is trained to predict the number of spectrogram frames for each character.
- At inference only the duration predictor is used instead of MAS
- Encoder has the architecture of the TTS transformer with 2 updates
- Instead of absolute positional encoding, they use realtive positional encoding.
- They also use a residual connection for the Encoder Prenet.
- Decoder has the same architecture as the Glow model.
- They train both single and multi-speaker model.
- It is showed experimentally, Glow-TTS is more robust against long sentences compared to original Tacotron2
- 15x faster than Tacotron2 at inference
- My 2 cents: Their samples sound not as natural as Tacotron. I believe normal attention models still generate more natural speech since the attention learns to map characters to model outputs directly. However, using Glow-TTS might be a good alternative for hard datasets.
- Samples: https://github.com/jaywalnut310/glow-tts
- Repository: https://github.com/jaywalnut310/glow-tts
Non-Autoregressive Neural Text-to-Speech: http://arxiv.org/abs/1905.08459 (Click to Expand)
- A derivation of Deep Voice 3 model using non-causal convolutional layers.
- Teacher-Student paradigm to train annon-autoregressive student with multiple attention blocks from an autoregressive teacher model.
- The teacher is used to generate text-to-spectrogram alignments to be used by the student model.
- The model is trained with two loss functions for attention alignment and spectrogram generation.
- Multi attention blocks refine the attention alignment layer by layer.
- The student uses dot-product attention with query, key and value vectors. The query is only positinal encoding vectors. The key and the value are the encoder outputs.
- Proposed model is heavily tied to the positional encoding which also relies on different constant values.
Double Decoder Consistency: https://erogol.com/solving-attention-problems-of-tts-models-with-double-decoder-consistency (Click to Expand)
- The model uses a Tacotron like architecture but with 2 decoders and a postnet.
- DDC uses two synchronous decoders using different reduction rates.
- The decoders use different reduction rates thus they compute outputs in different granularities and learn different aspects of the input data.
- The model uses the consistency between these two decoders to increase robustness of learned text-to-spectrogram alignment.
- The model also applies a refinement to the final decoder output by applying the postnet iteratively multiple times.
- DDC uses Batch Normalization in the prenet module and drops Dropout layers.
- DDC uses gradual training to reduce the total training time.
- We use a Multi-Band Melgan Generator as a vocoder trained with Multiple Random Window Discriminators differently than the original work.
- We are able to train a DDC model only in 2 days with a single GPU and the final model is able to generate faster than real-time speech on a CPU. Demo page: https://erogol.github.io/ddc-samples/ Code: https://github.com/mozilla/TTS
- Training Multi-Speaker Neural Text-to-Speech Systems using Speaker-Imbalanced Speech Corpora - https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.00771
- Deep Voice 2 - https://papers.nips.cc/paper/6889-deep-voice-2-multi-speaker-neural-text-to-speech.pdf
- Sample Efficient Adaptive TTS - https://openreview.net/pdf?id=rkzjUoAcFX
- WaveNet + Speaker Embedding approach
- Voice Loop - https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.06588
- Transfer learning from speaker verification to multispeaker text-to-speech synthesis - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.04558.pdf
- Fitting new speakers based on a short untranscribed sample - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.06984.pdf
- Generalized end-to-end loss for speaker verification
Semi-supervised Learning for Multi-speaker Text-to-speech Synthesis Using Discrete Speech Representation: http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.08024
- Train a multi-speaker TTS model with only an hour long paired data (text-to-voice alignment) and more unpaired (only voide) data.
- It learns a code book with each code word corresponds to a single phoneme.
- The code-book is aligned to phonemes using the paired data and CTC algorithm.
- This code book functions like a proxy to implicitly estimate the phoneme sequence of the unpaired data.
- They stack Tacotron2 model on top to perform TTS using the code word embeddings generated by the initial part of the model.
- They beat the benchmark methods in 1hr long paired data setting.
- They don't report full paired data results.
- They don't have a good ablation study which could be interesting to see how different parts of the model contribute to the performance.
- They use Griffin-Lim as a vocoder thus there is space for improvement.
Demo page: https://ttaoretw.github.io/multispkr-semi-tts/demo.html
Code: https://github.com/ttaoREtw/semi-tts
Attentron: Few-shot Text-to-Speech Exploiting Attention-based Variable Length Embedding: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.08484
- Use two encoders to learn speaker depended features.
- Coarse encoder learns a global speaker embedding vector based on provided reference spectrograms.
- Fine encoder learns a variable length embedding keeping the temporal dimention in cooperation with a attention module.
- The attention selects important reference spectrogram frames to synthesize target speech.
- Pre-train the model with a single speaker dataset first (LJSpeech for 30k iters.)
- Fine-tune the model with a multi-speaker dataset. (VCTK for 70k iters.)
- It achieves slightly better metrics in comparison to using x-vectors from speaker classification model and VAE based reference audio encoder.
Demo page: https://hyperconnect.github.io/Attentron/
ParallelWaveGAN: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.11480.pdf
- Multi scale STFT loss
- ~1M model parameters (very small)
- Slightly worse than WaveRNN
Improving FFTNEt
Towards Achieveing Robust Universal Vocoding
GELP: GAN-Excited Linear Prediction for Speech Synthesis fromMel-spectrogram
High Fidelity Speech Synthesis with Adversarial Networks: https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.11646
- GAN-TTS, end-to-end speech synthesis
- Uses duration and linguistic features
- Duration and acoustic features are predicted by additional models.
- Random Window Discriminator: Ingest not the whole Voice sample but random windows.
- Multiple RWDs. Some conditional and some unconditional. (conditioned on input features)
- Punchline: Use randomly sampled windows with different window sizes for D.
- Shared results sounds mechanical that shows the limits of non-neural acoustic features.
Multi-Band MelGAN: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.05106
- Use PWGAN losses instead of feature-matching loss.
- Using a larger receptive field boosts model performance significantly.
- Generator pretraining for 200k iters.
- Multi-Band voice signal prediction. The output is summation of 4 different band predictions with PQMF synthesis filters.
- Multi-band model has 1.9m parameters (quite small).
- Claimed to be 7x faster than MelGAN
- On a Chinese dataset: MOS 4.22
WaveGLow: https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00002
- Very large model (268M parameters)
- Hard to train since on 12GB GPU it can only takes batch size 1.
- Real-time inference due to the use of convolutions.
- Based on Invertable Normalizing Flow. (Great tutorial https://blog.evjang.com/2018/01/nf1.html )
- Model learns and invetible mapping of audio samples to mel-spectrograms with Max Likelihood loss.
- In inference network runs in reverse direction and give mel-specs are converted to audio samples.
- Training has been done using 8 Nvidia V100 with 32GB ram, batch size 24. (Expensive)
SqueezeWave: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2001.05685.pdf , code: https://github.com/tianrengao/SqueezeWave
- ~5-13x faster than real-time
- WaveGlow redanduncies: Long audio samples, upsamples mel-specs, large channel dimensions in WN function.
- Fixes: More but shorter audio samples as input, (L=2000, C=8 vs L=64, C=256)
- L=64 matchs the mel-spec resolution so no upsampling necessary.
- Use depth-wise separable convolutions in WN modules.
- Use regular convolution instead of dilated since audio samples are shorter.
- Do not split module outputs to residual and network output, assuming these vectors are almost identical.
- Training has been done using Titan RTX 24GB batch size 96 for 600k iterations.
- MOS on LJSpeech: WaveGLow - 4.57, SqueezeWave (L=128 C=256) - 4.07 and SqueezeWave (L=64 C=256) - 3.77
- Smallest model has 21K samples per second on Raspi3.
WaveGrad: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.00713.pdf
- It is based on Probability Diffusion and Lagenvin Dynamics
- The base idea is to learn a function that maps a known distribution to target data distribution iteratively.
- They report 0.2 real-time factor on a GPU but CPU performance is not shared.
- In the example code below, the author reports that the model converges after 2 days of training on a single GPU.
- MOS scores on the paper are not compherensive enough but shows comparable performance to known models like WaveRNN and WaveNet.
- Tacotron 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iarxxm-v9w
- End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis, Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNKrq26Z0ZQ
- Speech synthesis from neural decoding of spoken sentences | AISC : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNDtMDPmnMo
- Generative Text-to-Speech Synthesis : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4mVEAnKiNg
- SPEECH SYNTHESIS FOR THE GAMING INDUSTRY : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOHAYe4A-2Q
- Modern Text-to-Speech Systems Review : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rXLSc-ZcRY
- Text to Speech Deep Learning Architectures : http://www.erogol.com/text-speech-deep-learning-architectures/