This app uses NewsAPI to get various sources and each source can provide major headlines. It uses Retrofit 2 to fetch news sources and news headlines from the API and displays in a RecyclerView. Using Framents for creating different catogries and fetching the API with category filter. Also this app allows to search articles on the whatever Keyword searched in Home fragment. summarized form of articles has been provided with option of reading full article
The goal is to create a News Feed app that gives a user regularly updated news from the internet related to a particular topic, person, or location. You can search for the news directly as well.
You need to insert your API key.
Go to the package named Fragments
and insert the your Api key from 'News.Api'.
This needs to be done in all the fragments java files.
private static final String API_KEY = "Your Api Key Here";
Go to the file named
and insert the your baseUrl from 'News.Api'
private static final String BASE_URL = "Your Base Url Here";
- Top Headlines,Sources are listed.
- Allowed users to switch between fragments using ViewPager.
- Added Preferences Screen to display diverse news according to user's selection.
- Implemented Custom News UI to list news from selected news source which takes place in Sources section.
- Implemented Search feature forHome section and thus user can search any news article in the app.
- Performed UI tests and passed successfully.
- Implement Filter feature for Sources section and thus user can filter results.
- Added shorts ie which displays the article with more description about the news and content as well.
- Add Day/Night Mode.
- Implement Firebase and Firestore to send push notifications.
- Integrated Room Persistence Library to list offline data in the event of no internet connection.