ScholarKit is an educational tool website designed to help students stay organized, study efficiently, and excel in their academic pursuits. With a plethora of features such as daily planner, flashcards, quizzes, notes, and more, ScholarKit is a one-stop solution for all your study needs.
Features • Daily Planner: Plan your study schedule and keep track of all your assignments, exams, and deadlines with ease. • Flashcards: Create, customize, and practice flashcards to memorize important concepts and information. • Quizzes: Test your knowledge and gauge your understanding of various topics with quizzes tailored to your course curriculum. • Notes: Take and organize notes for each of your classes in one central location. • Pomodoro Timer: To you focused and energised • To-Do List: To make sure that you remain on top of all your tasks • Calculator: To let you do some quick calculations And two special features... • Random Quote Generator: To get some words of wisdom and keep yourself motivated • Random Fact Generator: To help you increase your knowledge about some behind-the-scenes facts about the movie 'Back to the Future'
Purpose The purpose of ScholarKit is to provide a wide range of features at one place so that students don't have to waste their time to search for such features one-by-one. The idea for this website is derived to be a solution to the problems I have faced myself during the course of my studies. ScholarKit provide a fun and nostalgic touch to the 80's by making it Back to the Future themed.
Technologies Used The website was made by using the programming languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript.