A CLI program that will let you save and apply your KDE Plasma customizations with just one command! Also, it has a "K" in the name :D
pip install pyyaml
Install from PyPI
python -m pip install konsave
konsave -h
or konsave --help
konsave -s <profile name>
or konsave --save <profile name>
konsave -s <profile name> -f
or konsave -s <profile name> --force
konsave -l
or konsave --list
konsave -r <profile id>
or konsave --remove <profile id>
konsave -a <profile id>
or konsave --apply <profile id>
You may need to log out and log in to see all the changes.
konsave -e <profile id>
or konsave --export-profile <profile id>
konsave -i <path to the file>
or konsave --import-profile <path to the file>
konsave -v
or konsave --version
konsave -w
or konsave --wipe
You can contribute by reporting issues or fixing bugs!
Introduced changes should be briefly described in CHANGELOG.md
This project uses GNU General Public License 3.0