Add plugin to project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.anymindgroup" % "sbt-skunk-codegen" % "x.y.z")
Enable plugin for the project and configure:
lazy val myProject = (project in file("."))
name := "test",
Compile / scalacOptions ++= Seq("-Xsource:3", "-release:17"),
// Generator settings
pgCodeGenOutputPackage := "com.example", // output package
// postgres connection settings
pgCodeGenHost := "localhost", // default: "localhost"
pgCodeGenPort := 5432,
pgCodeGenUser := "postgres", // default: "postgres"
pgCodeGenDb := "postgres", // default: "postgres"
pgCodeGenPassword := Some("postgres"), // default: None
// pgCodeGenOperateDB value will create new database with specified
// name if not exist for pgCodeGen migration process. Recommend to be configure differently
// with multiple module in the same project
pgCodeGenOperateDB := Some("postgres_b") // default: None
// whether to start a postgres docker container and what image to use on running the task (default: Some("postgres:16-alpine"))
pgCodeGenUseDockerImage := Some("postgres:16-alpine"),
// path to directory with sql migration script
pgCodeGenSqlSourceDir := file("src") / "main" / "resources" / "db" / "migration",
// list of tables to exclude from generator
pgCodeGenExcludedTables := List("to_exclude_table_name")
See all available settings under PgCodeGenPlugin.scala.
See example setup under sbt test.
Generator will run on changes to sql migration scripts.
Watch and re-compile on changes by e.g.:
sbt ~compile
To force code re-generation, execute the task
sbt pgCodeGen