The PLib is a framework for Android that provides functionality to handle personal information appropriately.
- Repository:
- Documentaion:
- Example-App:
- Issues:
Several technologies can be used to enhance privacy, also known as privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs). Many PETs are known in research, but are not easily available to developers. The goal of this project is to make PETs accessible to app developers. The following functionality has been implemented in a way that it can be easily used by application developers.
The Privacy Library PLib grants users full control over their data and provides possibilities of encoding, anonymizing and pseudomizing all data exchange. With the intuitive UI provided by this library, the users are able view and modify their data security settings at any given time. On the other side this library is also designed to support novice Android developers who want to implement advanced data and privacy security to their applications/projects. For each user the PLib creates a Master-key which is then used to generate all other keys, seeds, etc. in a deterministic way. It's also possible to import and export the Master-key!
- Ideally Android Studio (This library can of course be used with other IDEs)
- minSdkVersion 21
- libsodium-jni
You can either download the library directly from github or clone it with the following command:
git clone
To use the Privacy library's code in your app module, proceed as follows in Android Studio:
a. Click File > New > Import Module.
b. Enter the location of the library module directory then click Finish.
This way the library module is copied to your project, so you can actually view and if needed even edit the library code.
The next step should be done automatically by Android Studio, but make sure everything's configured adequately.
Make sure the PLib is listed at the top of your settings.gradle
file, as shown here:
include ':app', ':plib'
project(':plib').projectDir = new File('../Android_PLib/plib')
Add a new line to the dependencies block in the app module's build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation project(":plib")
This can also be done by right-clicking app in the Project view and choosing Open Module Settings.
Next, use the Dependencies tab and click on the + and select
Module dependency.
Choose plib and finish the process by clicking Next.
In your projects build.gradle
file, add the following code snippet to the allprojects block:
flatDir {
dirs 'src/main/libs'
Copy the libsodium-jni-debug.aar file from the plib folder src/main/libs
to your app's libs folder.
This step will be fixed in the future, so it won't be necessary. But for now it's required.
Implementing the PLib-UI is straigthforward by using PLibApiUi.showPlibUi(MainActivity.this, null)
. The example below uses a MenuItem
to let the users access the PLib-UI.
import de.dailab.apppets.plib.api.PLibApiUi;
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
int id = item.getItemId();
switch (id) {
PLibApiUi.showPlibUi(MainActivity.this, null);
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
Make sure to place the entry-point for the PLib-UI visible and reachable at any time for the user.
The PLib let's you easily inform users when your app is about access their personal data. In that case, the user is prompted to
allow or deny the access. The code below shows an exemplary AndroidID
access. The user's decision will also be saved by the PLib
to avoid repeated requests. The class PLibGrantAccess
contains many more methods which can be used to access different sorts of
private data.
public static void getAndroidId(final Activity activity, final EditText tv,
final boolean send) {
PLibAccessCallback<String> cb = new PLibAccessCallback<String>() {
public void grantedData(String grantedData) {
tv.setText(grantedData == null ? "NULL" : grantedData);
if (send) {
//Send AndroidID
PLibGrantAccess.getAndroidId(activity, "Please grant access to the android id", cb, true);